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"When you said you were going to make it up to me for leaving me at the airport, I didn't think you would make me jump to my death," Daniella complained, nervousness evident in her voice. The door to the plane was open and the wind was hitting her hard.

"Just relax," Lewis chuckled, trying to assure his teammate. He put on all of his safety gear before checking on Daniella. "You will enjoy it, I promise."

Lewis thought it would be a good idea to take her skydiving. This is not the first time he is going to skydive in Abu Dhabi, he has done it plenty but this time he wanted to share the moment with his teammate and give her a new experience.

"Just so you know, I already texted everyone that you dragged me here," She looked at Lewis as he buckled up her parachute properly. "And I mean everyone. If I don't make it to dinner tonight Yuki will surely take revenge on my behalf. And Max... well, you know what he is going to do. And my dad is arriving tomorrow, and I am his favorite daughter so..."

"You will be fine," Lewis assured her again, his hands on her shoulders, giving a gentle squeeze. "Once you jump you will realize there is nothing to fear," He gave a soft smile.

"Easy for you to say," Daniella argued. "You are scared about nothing."

"That's not exactly true," Lewis pointed a finger at her. "But it's not the time to discuss that. Now, you want to jump wearing a helmet or without it?"

"In case you haven't figured it out, I don't have a death wish," Daniella picked up the helmet and put it on.

Lewis didn't bother to put on a helmet. He is not even half as worried or nervous as his teammate.

Daniella gulped as she very cautiously looked out of the plane and slowly traveled her eyes down. The view was beautiful but it was hard to enjoy it when her heart was beating so fast.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Lewis joined her.

The younger driver just nodded, unable to form a word.

"I will jump with you, okay?" Lewis once again checked both of their gears.

Daniella gave a nervous smile as she took a step back.

Soon both were informed that they have reached the required height and that now it is time to jump. The drivers stood at the edge of the open door, Daniella facing Lewis.

Both put on their goggles to protect their eyes.

Daniella was slightly taken aback when Lewis was handed a selfie stick with a GoPro attached to it.

"What is that for?" She asked, sounding confused.

"To film the entire experience," Lewis replied before putting his arms around her.

Daniella immediately did the same and held onto him tightly as they were about to jump.

"Hey," Lewis said, making her look at him. "It's going to be fun," He gave a smile followed by a wink.

Before Daniella could reply her teammate jumped, taking her with him.

Lewis almost wished he was not holding Daniella because of the scream she let out. But soon the scream vanished and was replaced by the sound of excitement.




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AND IT CONTINUES - Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now