Simba and Nala Argument

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Warning: This part has some spoilers

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Warning: This part has some spoilers. Watch the original movie.

One Night, Nala was walking with Simba. "Isn't this a great place?" Simba said. "It is beautiful, but I don't understand something: You've been alive all this time. why didn't you come back to pride rock?" Nala asked Simba. "Well I just needed to get out on my own, live my own life and I did and it's great!" Simba told Nala. "We've really needed you at home." Nala said. "No one needs me." Simba said. "Of course we do, you're the king!" Nala said. "Nala we've been through this I'm not the king! Scar is." Simba said. "Simba, he let the hyenas take over the Pride Lands." Nala said. Simba replied "What?" and then Nala continued. "Everythings destroyed, there's no food, no water, Simba if you don't do something soon everyone will starve!" But Simba didn't want to go back. "I can't go back." Simba said. "Why?" Nala replied. "You wouldn't understand." Simba said. "What wouldn't I understand?" Nala asked. "No, no, no It doesn't matter. Hakuna Matata." Simba said. Nala was curious "What?" Simba replied "Hakuna Matata. You Know sometimes bad things happen." Simba said. Nala said Simba's name. After that Simba continued "And there's nothing you can do about it! so why worry?" After that Nala showed disappointment. "Because it's your responsibility!" Nala said furiously. But Simba was like "What about you? You Left!" But Nala replied "I left to find help! and I found you! Don't you understand? You're our only hope!" that is when Simba Apologized. "Sorry, I just don't want to leave."Simba Said. "What happened to you? you're not the Simba I remember." Nala said. "You're right. I'm not! Now are you satisfied?" Simba said. "No, Just dissapointed." Nala said. "You Know You're starting to sound like my father!" Simba said. "Good, atleast one of us does." Nala said. After that Simba was furious. "Listen! YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST SHOW UP AND TELL ME HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE!? YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IVE BEEN TROUGH!" Simba said. "I WOULD IF YOU JUST TELL ME!" Nala said. "FORGET IT!" Simba said. "FINE!" Nala yelled. then Simba paced "She's wrong! I can't go back! What would it prove anyway?" Simba thought for a second "Hey... maybe I don't have to go back... Maybe the lionesses could move here instead." 

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