Make-out Session To A Conversation To Burger King... WTF?

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“Hello… Yes, this is him speaking… You want to WHAT?!?! No! I’m not letting you lay a hand on her… I don’t care if you’re related to her!...You will never get ahold of her…FU*K YOU BITCH!!! Goodbye!”

                Caleb was looking at me with cautious eyes. She never had seen me this mad. I sent her a quick mental message. “That was your cousin and her boyfriend. They want you to join their forces and become a vampire wolf. We’ll talk more later on tonight. Let’s just get the funeral over with. I love you babe.”

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Make-out Session To A Conversation To Burger King... WTF?

Jonas’ P.O.V.

                We arrived home from the funeral with Caleb a minor wreck. I was going to let her do her thing, but it wasn’t what I thought it would be. She went and got a basketball and threw it at my balls. I dodged it easily, but then she was on my back trying to tackle me. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and let her tackle me into the pool. Since I was smart enough, I pulled her in with me. I thought it was hilarious until she spit water on my face.

                The water fun was on. I dragged her underneath the water and kissed her with all the passion in the world. She wrapped her legs around my waist and held onto my neck tightly. I licked her bottom lip for entrance and she opened quickly. I tasted her entire whole mouth. She tasted so good, and our lips moved in sync while our tongues fought for dominance.

When I broke the kiss, I saw that half the pack was watching. Our faces turned bright red and we ran into our room soaking wet. We never took the time to change, you could see through our shirts. We changed into basketball shorts and a tank top within 3 minutes. I was shocked at how we didn’t have sex right then and there. Instead Caleb got right to the questions?

“How are we supposed to stay away from my cousin and her boyfriend? How would I be a vampire wolf? Will you protect me? If I don’t join their forces, what will they do to us? What would happen if they attack?” Caleb started to cry, so I took her in my arms and let her cry. I rubbed small circles on her back and kissed the top of her head. After about 10 minutes, she stopped crying and I began to explain.

“It’s going to be okay babe. We will have our spies tell us their every move towards or near us. You know that Mike won’t let those bastards get us. My best guess is that they would take all your blood and replace it with their ‘blood’. I will always protect you. You’re my mate and I love you. I don’t know what they would do if you don’t join them, and I would kill their asses if they attacked us. I love you and won’t let them attack you. Do you want to go get ice cream, fries, or steak?”

                “FRIES!!!!! FRIES!!!!! FIRES!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!! PRETTY PLEASE!!!!!!!” Caleb was bouncing up and down on the bed like a 5 year old getting chocolate. I decided to call Celine up to join us at Burger King. I was going to bring her boyfriend Erick with us. They are both in the pack, but live together about 10 minutes away from Caleb and I. I let Erick know that he was to go to Burger King with us and that Celine would be there.

                We all arrived at the same time to B.K. When Celine saw Erick, she ran up to him and made out with him right then and there. Caleb and I cleared our throats and told them that they can do that on their bed at home. We finally when into B.K. and ordered our food. Caleb got a 2X large fry and a mocha iced coffee. I got a hamburger and a mocha iced coffee. Erick and Celine got chicken tenders and a chocolate milkshake. We finished eating our food and went to mine and Caleb’s house.

                We all got ready for the pack party that night that was being held at the pack house like always. That night, so much happened. It was almost the perfect night.

_____________________AUTHOR’S NOTE______________________________________________

The next chapter is going to be on the party. There is some suspense. OHHHHHHH!!!!

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