My Baby's Rapist.....

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My Baby’s Rapist…

Jonas’ P.O.V.

                I can’t believe that he would show. He is such a bastard. He raped Caleb, and had the guts to show up at her graduation ceremony. I swear I will kill him if he touches Caleb. He’s so lucky that he is not already dead. He made the love of my life faint.

                I grabbed Caleb in my arms bridal style and carried her into the school to the nurse’s office. Dr. Joe was already there with everything he needed. I put Caleb on the bed, and then I was pulled out of the room by Blackbelt. His grip was mega tight on my arms, but I was about to get out of them with ease.

                “Bro, you and I have to go kick someone’s ass. Remember the person that Caleb was staring at before she uh… fainted, well we have to kick his ass. He was the person who raped and almost killed Caleb. He needs to suffer for what he did. He will get twice as many scars as Caleb did, but worse. Will you help me?”

                “Hell yeah big bro. What does that sick son of a bitch look like?”

                “He has black short shaggy hair that has gel in it, a white tank top, and black jeans. He was sitting in the third to last row on the right, and was I the center aisle. Do you remember what he looks like?”

                “Oh! Do you mean that shit head over there talking to Caleb’s nurse?” I nodded in agreement, and Blackbelt said, “I will go kick his god damn ass. Let’s go.”

                “GET THE HELL AWAY JAKE. THIS SON OF A BITCH RAPED AND ALMOST KILLED CALEB. HE WILL TRY TO FOOL YOU. GET AWAY BEFORE I RIP HIS HEAD OFF.” I was screaming and shaking violently. I morphed within 30 seconds, and was off to killing this ass hole. Blackbelt was holding the ass back when I was mutilating him. Right before he died, I stopped.

                I bent down to his and whispered in his ear. “If I ever find out that you did that to someone else, touch Caleb, or try and get revenge on me, I will kill you. Have fun in jail Nick. Alan and Patrick already did the time, and told the truth. I’m not afraid of you at all.”

                Right when I finished talking, Nick ran limped away from me. Every word that I said was true, and I would hold to them. I couldn’t see Caleb like that, so I knew what had to be done. I was pulled out of my thought when Blackbelt nudged me in my side. I intelligently replied, “Huh?” he just started to laugh and tilted his head to the right. I then realized that Dr. Joe was waiting to tell me important news on my baby girl.

                “Hey Dr. Joe, how is Caleb?” I said anxiously, but politely.

                “Well, she hit her head and has a minor concussion, a black eye, and a few fractured ribs. She did extremely well when I wrapped her ribs up. She was scared to go into the cat-scan though. She said that she couldn’t be in small places unless you were there with her to protect her. I had to sedate her so I could get the cat-scan done. She somewhat threw a pillow at me when I brought a needle up to her and said it was to sedate her. I told her that you were right outside the door, and she finally relaxed. Just to warn you, no sex for a week. I don’t want her to fracture her ribs any further. I gave her 2 prescription medications; 800 mg of Ibuprofen for nighttime, and 400 mg of Tylenol with Codeine. She should be healed within 4 days, but I want to give it 3 extra days just in case she doesn’t heal as quickly as you. Any question?”

                “Yeah, can I go see my beautiful angel now?” Dr. Joe nodded and I basically ran into the room with Blackbelt slowly walking behind me. When I mean slowly, I mean that it took him 5 minutes to get to the door. I guess he wanted to give me some alone time, but I didn’t care if he was there.

                “Hey handsome, I missed you. I needed you when I had to go into the cat-scan machine. I heard that you beat the living shit out of Nick. You bet-“ I cut her off with a kiss full of want, love, and happiness. I just wanted to make sure that I would never let anything bad happen to her while I was there. I knew she was always skittish from that bastard, but she wouldn’t have to worry anymore.

                I pulled back with a 100 watt smile on my face and started laughing. Caleb looked so confused, then happy, then her goofy irritated look. “HEYYY!!!! I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SENTENCE! YOU ARE SUCH A HORNY WEREWOLF. YOU COULDN’T EVEN WAIT FROM ME TO BE DONE TALKING!!!!! I’M GOING TO GET PAY BACK ON YOU.” I just started laughing when she attempted to throw her show at me, but I ducked easily.

                I walked back over to Caleb and bent down to her ear to whisper. “I love you so much babe. Oh by the way, I kicked Nick’s ass. ¿Quieres ir a tomar un helado mi cosa dulce?” (Do you want to go get ice cream my sweet thing?”

                “YES! YES! YES! ABSOULUTELY 100% YES!” Shewas nodding her head vigorously at me. So I picked her up and we went to the closest Dairy Queen.

                We ate our ice cream and watched Cop Out, the movie. I had this weird feeling that something bad would happen, but I kept it to myself. The next week I became very paranoid, but I danced it off. On Saturday, it was the Life Moon Cycle. I was excited but scared of who would show up. I knew I was right when it happened.

______________________________AUTHOR’S NOTE___________________________________

OOOHHHHHHH MORE SUSPENSE!!!!! Who is the mysterious person, and why did they show up at Jonas and Caleb’s Life Moon Cycle? Comment what you think please.

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