A Love Newly Confessed

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A Love Newly Confessed

Blackbelt’s P.O.V.

                It was the day after my “mother” ruined Jonas and Caleb’s Life Moon Cycle, and I was going to confess my love for Mikeala. I was so nervous that I couldn’t think straight about anything. I was having a mental war with myself. I was going need to calm down. I had never felt anything like it before. It was as if Mikeala knew what I was feeling. She came over and sat next to me. Just like her dad, she likes to talk in a foreign language. Instead of Spanish, it’s Romanian.

                “Acesta va fi bine. Tot ce trebuie să faceţi este să fie curajos. Ştiu că o ai în tine. Doar crezi în tine însuţi.” (Translation- It will be okay. All you have to do is be brave. I know that you have it in you. Just believe in yourself.)

                I was so relieved that Mikeala could calm me down. I said my thanks and left. I marched right up to Jonas’ office and walked in. I knew i should have knocked, but i needed to tell  him. I walked in on Jonas and Caleb having a deep make-out session. Jonas was moaning from deep in his throat, so theyh didnt hear me when i cleared my throat. I walked over when things start to get to far and gave him a punch in the arm. The two love birds pulled away reluctantly, but straightened themselves out.

                “Hey bro. What do you need to talk to us about?” Jonas was rubbing the back of his head like he does when he is embarrassed or nervous. I find this funny becaus ehe messes up his hair, and Caleb tries to fix it all the time. I guess it was time fro me to tell that I imprinted on Mikeala.

                “Well, I really have to talk to you about something. It’s about Mikeala. I um...... imprinted on her.... last Tuesday.” I became extremely nervous when the didnt repsond right away. I was going to go insane if they didnt say anything in the next minute.

                “Awesome! I am so glad my little girl has a man like you! Wait! Does she know yet?” Caleb was literally jumping up and down. Jonas was just staring off into space with a look of confusion in his eyes. I knew it- I messed it up. My own brother was going to hate me. I am such a loser. I would tear up our brotherhood. I was freaking out.

                “Blackbelt, I am proud for you that you found your mate. I just can’t grasp why you were so nervous to tell us though. Does my baby girl know yet?” I nodded my head no. “Well, then we need to call her down here and talk to her.”

                After 5 minutes, Mikeala walked into the office. My heart started to pound with joy knowing that she had to sit next to me. My wolf was wanting to get out, but I would have to control it. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Mikeala started to talk.

                “Hi daddy, hi mommy. You wanted to talk to me and Blackbelt about something?”

                “Yes. You know how mommy and I love each other very much and are imprinted on each other. Well, you and Blackbelt are mates. Blackbelt was the one who first confessed this. You now kind of have to kiss each other to make it official. You can’t say no though. It is not a decision.”

                Mikeala kissed me with such soft lips. When our lips touched, it was like lightening had cracked on earth. I was shaking with excitement and couldn’t get enough of her. I let her hands find my hair and I was lifting her to straddle me. We never broke the kiss. She was nibbling on my lower lip and I let her tongue find mine. My hands were on the small of her back. I had my hands under my shirt letting me trace small circles on her back. She wanted me. She wanted every part of me. She let her hands drift over her hands drift over my chest then to the hem of my shirt. She started to tug upwards. She got it over my chest, but I suddenly flipped and had her on the ground with me on top. She didn’t let our kiss break and tried to lift my shirt again. I stopped kissing her lip and left a trail of kisses from her jaw down to her collar bone. She let out a moan. “Mikeala, we can’t do this.” I was speaking huskily while putting one hand under her shirt to caress her flat stomach. I was having an internal battle with what was right and my needs.

                I stood up and I went to flatten out all my clothes, but stopped when I got to my pants. I noticed I was fully aroused to where my pants were starting to rip. I got embarrassed I shifted into my wolf form quickly so nobody would notice. I also didn’t want to lose any more control for the night. There was a slight rip from besides me and I knew it was Jonas. He sent a quick mental message to me.

                “I thought you two weren’t going to stop, but I guess you have more control than I do. Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone that you were um… hard. That will be our little secret. We’ll go out and celebrate tonight with the boys. By the way, I have tickets to the Eminem concert. It’s going to be you, Caleb, Mikeala, Josh, Kayla, and me. I was thinking we could take the Hummer H3 extended addition. You want to drive it tonight?”

                “Shut up bro! I didn’t know I was going to go that far. And HELL YEAH BRO! I want to drive the damn H3. We better be able to go to Texas Roadhouse for dinner though. I love man- you’re the best brother ever!”

                 I was in such a good mood for the rest of the day. I couldn’t get Mikeala off my mind. I couldn’t even get the concert off my mind. I had to get ready- damn I sound like a chick.

                After everyone was ready, we left for dinner. Our Hummer was a  forest green color with a black outline of a wolf on the hood.

_____________AUTHOR’S NOTE________________________

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_dXE63lwcSrk/TN2kxHVXN9I/AAAAAAAAEP0/d3E-sQo_GC0/s400/Tribal_Wolf_Tattoo-400%25252525C3%2525252597475.jpg&imgrefurl=http://tattoospics.website.org/index.php%3F2011%3Dtatoo%2520butterfly%2520design&usg=__5_NN6BmJYLVThCdKkxBQyVtpsfg=&h=400&w=337&sz=27&hl=en&start=201&zoom=1&tbnid=TNkKsG698v_bKM:&tbnh=142&tbnw=118&ei=jOLSTZD8JcK10QGeqdDCCw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dwolf%2Bsymbol%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D667%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Ditp:lineart%26tbm%3Disch0%2C4947&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1068&vpy=63&dur=401&hovh=149&hovw=126&tx=106&ty=167&page=10&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:22,s:201&biw=1366&bih=667      Picture of the wolf on the Hummer H3.

                What songs should be sung at the Eminem concert? Comment. Vote. Enjoy.

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