Chapter 1

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I felt like writing a chapter so I did ;p


Everything changed for Techno ever since Theseus was born, his youngest and only brother. Theseus looked exactly like the older minus some golden accents in his hair. The now new-born had pink skin, puffy cheeks, with pink and blonde curls. Techno held a crying Theseus as he watched his mother slowly pass away. It's a sad way to go out via child birth but the woman wanted Theseus to live but their father was quite the opposite. The brute wanted Theseus dead if he would cost the life of his mate. Techno would not allow this to happen though, he was going to keep Theseus safe from the older man, even if it means killing him. For a four year-old, kill shouldn't even be in his vocabulary, but he's more than willing to kill for his younger brother. He's already grown attached to the squealer, like he's known Theseus all his life.

Techno held Theseus tightly as he noticed his father rise up, he was mourning his dead wife's corpse. The older man looked over at Techno and his wife's killer. "Hand me that child, Techno," the older grunted. Techno pulled Theseus closer, "I refuse," the squealer replied stepping back. "Can't you see what it has done, it has killed your mother!" The older tried to reason by manipulation, it made Techno sick. "Despite knowing of her passing, she gave birth to him because she wanted him! If you can't bare the weight of your mate's death then join her, you coward!" The younger yelled. The older looked down at his son in surprise before the older man smiled, "I'll take your advice my son," he spoke softly.

Techno's eyes went wide as he saw his father pull out an axe. He braced himself to get hit but when he heard flesh break he winced a bit. He opened his left eye to see the axe was lodged in his father throat as large amounts of blood spewed out. Techno watched as the brute collapsed onto the ground... Techno knew in that very moment, he had to run, the other piglins would think that he had killed his father, in return they would burn him alive. Techno quickly ran upstairs and grabbed things that they would need in order to survive. Theseus was now dead asleep, nothing could disturb his slumber. Once Techno grabbed clothes and a few food items he walked back downstairs. He looked at the axe that was lodged in his father's throat before walking over to the older. Techno grabbed the handle and forcefully took the netherite out before swiping it to take the blood off.

The squealer then ran out of the house, as fast as his little legs with take him. He was going to make sure him and Theseus were safe. If food were to run out, the young pinkette wouldn't even begin to think what to do but he had to adapt to his new life. A life on the run from his own kind, the ones who he could ever trust were brutes. Brutes were the outcasts of piglins, scrutinized against for their barbarish ways. Techno would try to seek shelter with them but the chances are very slim. He hopes that his bad luck would have reached its limit. Techno kept running and running until he saw a black, grey and nearly demolished building. The older squealer could hear the grunts of piglins behind him, they couldn't have caught up so fast right?! The boy was limited on options, die by fire or die saving his brother.

Techno chose the section option and quickly entered the bastion. Since the boy was still small he wasn't spotted but he'd be spotted for his clothing eventually. The squealer started to search the bastion for clothing, something to make the two of them camouflage. The boy stumbled across a room, the room had multiple beds inside, he stepped inside and later found a cabinet. Techno took his chances and opened the first draw to see some black and gold clothing. Maybe lady luck will be on his side? Techno heard footsteps approaching, he panicked, he quickly grabbed the clothing, closed the draw and hid under the bed. When he did, footsteps entered the room, "I could've swore I heard someone in here," a female voice spoke, her voice was kind, one of a mother. Techno started to miss his own, in return the boy started to tear up, it was too much for him in just one day.

Tommy and Techno Brother AUWhere stories live. Discover now