Chapter 3

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Several years have passed, Tommy is now 9 while his brothers are 13. The server has grown quite a lot, Tubbo, Karl, Sapnap, George, Dream and several others have made themselves more apparent on the server. Tubbo has acquired a friendship with Tommy, it's nice having someone his age besides Purpled. Wilbur had this constant thought in mind, what happens if he were to build a nation of his own. His mouth grew into a wide smile before he rushed upstairs to where his brothers and friend were. Wilbur burst through the door with heavy breathes, "You okay Will?" Techno asked sipping some tea, they were having a tea party. "Guys I just had the greatest idea!" Wilbur spoke proudly walking into the room, once he calmed down. "Spill boss man," A ten year old Tubbo spoke. The boy had chocolate brown hair that curled crazy in every direction but it complimented his pudgey face, it barely touched his shoulders.

His left eye was hazel blue while his right was a hazel grayish-brown but they always seemed to sparkle with curiosity. He wore a yellow shirt with light blue overalls that touched his knees. He had on white mid-calf length socks with black shoes. To top it all off he wore a bee hairpin in his hair, it was a gift from Tommy on his birthday. Wilbur smiled, "I was thinking about starting a nation, we can all be the rulers of it!" He exclaimed causing everyone in the room to differ. "We can't make a nation without Dream's approval," Techno started. "Plus aren't you a bit young to be president?" Tubbo questioned on. Tommy of course didn't say anything, just sipped his tea and ate his biscuit. "Tommy, you would side with me right?" Wilbur asked, some hope still left in his eyes. "Let's say I did side with you, what would be the purpose of your nation?" He asked placing down his teacup.

"To have our own exports and a place to deem ours!" Wilbur began to speak. "We already own the Tundra, what more do you want? You can build anything and do anything you want here, do you just want enemies?" Tommy asked. "No, I just want it to be in a warm place, a place where people can unite under common rule!" Wilbur defended himself. "Isn't that what the Greater SMP is for?" Tubbo asked tilting his head. "Well... Technically yes.." Wilbur replied. "We can build on the Greater SMP, we can grieve, we can do whatever we want with permission from a higher authority. Isn't that exactly what your nation is going to be?" Techno asked raising an eyebrow. "No! We are all free to do what we please, there is no need for permission," Wilbur slightly laughed. "Then once you make the nation and we see it prosper, we will consider joining, until now I don't see it," Techno replied.

Tommy stood up and looked Wilbur in the eyes, "The moment you make this nation, you've reached the point of no return, you will be stuck in your own prison that you created. If that is what you wish then continue, as your brother I will support you but when the time comes that all is lost, just know that I warned you," Tommy spoke sternly. Wilbur locked eyes with Tommy, how come they couldn't see it? They couldn't see his vision, his idea for something that belonged to him. He wanted something to be his, not shared with anyone else. "Fine, I'll make it on my own," Wilbur snarled before he left the room. "He's gonna get himself killed," Tubbo spoke with worry in his voice. "You can not change the mind of the stubborn, they will carry their shame and bitterness. They will not admit their wrongs, their is no redemption for such beings," Techno spoke before eating his last biscuit.

"Techno you're always so wise!" Tubbo commented, he always adored the older brute. The piglin smiled, Techno has changed over the years. His tusks has gotten bigger and longer, his ears has gotten longer and pointier, he is now over 5'7 which is way taller than Wilbur, who is 5'4. His faded pink hair reached down to his lower back, it has been braided with the help of Tubbo and Tommy. The boarlet wore a white, silk, dress shirt with dark brown pants that touched just above his hooves. His head has been calm and the voices have come to an agreement with him. He keeps his sanity with the exchange of blood shed and bone cracking, it's really that simple. The promise he made himself all those years ago, never left his mind. He has been training everyday in order to protect his family. Sometimes the training may be harsh but it always thickened the skin.

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