Chapter 2

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Years has passed since the brothers first meeting with Wilbur and Phil. Theseus has grown like he is suppose to, the five year old is now healthy and strong but now he looks like a three year-old. Since it took several years for Theseus to get treatment, he is permanently weak compared to regular piglins and the young boy hates it. When he first heard his permanent fate from the doctor of their server, Puffy, he cried. Nothing Phil, Kristen or Wilbur did would make the boy calm down so Techno stepped in. While Theseus was wailing his eyes out, the older boy hit him in the back of his head. "Techno!" Phil exclaimed with a surprised tone that soon turned to anger. "You do not need to act like this Theseus!" The shoat shouted in piglin. "Why not! I have a right to be upset! I'm weak compared to the other piglins!" Theseus squealed.

"Who said you were weak?" Techno spoke tilting his head. "Isn't it obvious!" The boy yelled. "Nothing is obvious, even the weak can get strong. You just have to work around it," Techno spoke sitting down next to the boy. Theseus sniffled as he looked over at Techno, "Really?" He asked and Techno nodded with a soft smile. Theseus laid his head on Techno's lap and just sniffled as Techno ran his hands through his hair. "It's going to be okay Theseus," Techno spoke in English. "O-Okay..." The younger replied wiping his tears. Phil sighed as he rubbed his t-zone, "Can you talk to him without hitting him please?" The older asked causing Techno to shake his head. "He wouldn't have listened otherwise," the older spoke causing Phil to sigh.

What a lovely family... Wilbur and Techno are officially called the twins of the family by, their mother, Kristen. The lady is one of the kindest people the two shoats have ever met. She had chocolate brown, fluffy, shoulder length hair. Her black hat with a black veil always cover her eyes but never her lips. Her smooth lips, black with lipstick, her white porcelain skin matched. She always wore black, no matter the occasion. She had a black dress that touched the ground with her black heels. Just at her cleavage is where a heart shape was, that's always where her red heart shaped pendant was. That was the only pop of colour she ever had. Her pendant matched Phil's, to show their lovely engagement but there is a darker story behind that. The one thing about Kristen was that she was much bigger than any human that the piglins ever seen. Which caused Theseus and Techno to question, is she really human? Kristen was sitting on the couch chatting with Phil when the two shoats appeared. Phil glanced over at the two boys before jumping a bit, "Jesus! Where did you two come from?" The older man laughed as he spoke. "The stairs," they both spoke pointing at the stairwell. Kristen giggled, "What do you two need?" She asked. The two boys walked over to Kristen, "Mama, are you human?" Techno asked sitting next her. He picked up Theseus to sit on his lap, "Well not exactly," the woman replied.

"Then what are you mommy?" Theseus asked tilting his head. "I'm a God," she spoke causing the two boys' eyes to widen. "Really!" They both said at the same time as their eyes glistened. "Yes I am," she replied with a giggle. "What's your domain?" Techno asked. "What do you do?" Theseus asked. "Do you have any followers?" Techno asked. "Do you have powers! Theseus asked ending all the questions. Phil and Kristen laughed, "One question at a time boys," Kristen spoke before answering Techno's first question, "I am the Goddess of Death," she spoke, "I mainly help lost spirits who are stuck in Limbo." The two shoats tilted their heads, "What's Limbo?" Techno asked. "A place between Heaven and Hell, it's where I mainly reside if I'm not in the Overworld," she replied. "Do you have followers?" Techno asked again. "Yes I do," she replied with a smile.

Theseus eyes sparkled, "How many!?" He asked excitedly, "I have over 500,000 humans following me," she spoke causing the two boys to awe. "Mommy is famous!" Theseus spoke looking at Techno who just chuckled. Phil and Kristen giggled, the older woman answered question after question. They took so long that Wilbur woke up from his nap just to hear some of it. Wilbur was sitting next to Phil, leaning his head on the older's shoulders. Phil wrapped an arm around Will and rubbed his forearm to his lower arm every now and again. Soon enough questions turned into simple chatter between the family. "I've always wondered, Theseus, can I call you Tommy?" Wilbur asked. "Do humans give one another nicknames?" He asked tilting his head. "Yes we do," Wilbur giggled, he liked it when Theseus and Techno called Overworld people, humans.

Tommy and Techno Brother AUWhere stories live. Discover now