Chapter 13

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"It's been three months," Dabi growled. "Where could she be?" Shigaraki paced the room while Dabi banged his head on the wall. Eri was asleep next to Toga and Sakura, who were also asleep. Twice was arguing with himself.

"I don't know," Shigaraki mumbled. "We've checked everywhere. Even Giran dug up nothing." The League had asked for the broker's help when they needed to check what was going on in the criminal world.

"Guys!" Giran shouted, running into the room. "You have to see this." Shigaraki stopped pacing and walked over to him. "The Hassaki just released this."

"What is it?" Dabi asked when Giran handed the container to Shigaraki.

"It's a healing lotion."

"Reiki!" Twice shouted, waking up Sakura, Toga, and Eri. "We got a lead! Let's tell the heroes!"

"Dabi," Shigaraki demanded. "Fill those three in. Twice, Giran, you're with me. How did you get your hands on this anyway?"

"Spinner and Compress got it to me," Giran replied. "They're going to give us the location." Shigaraki nodded slowly before going to tell the heroes with Twice and Giran on his heels. Dabi explained it to Sakura and Toga before picking up Eri.

"Dabi?" Eri asked when he walked towards her room. "Where are we going?"

"I need you to stay in here, okay?" Dabi replied, setting her down.

"You're going to get Reiki back, right?"

"Yes, but you need to stay here, where it's safe. Okay?" Eri walked over to hug Dabi. "I need you to promise me you'll stay here." Dabi knelt and hugged her tightly. "Promise me, Eri."

"I promise."

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"Dabi," Endeavor ordered. "You, Hawks, and Eraserhead go find Reiki. The rest of you, help face off the Hassaki." Dabi nodded before running into the building when his dad gave him the all-clear.

"Dabs, you check the lower levels," Hawks shouted. "I'll check this level. Eraserhead, check the middle level."

"Right," Dabi said, before taking off down the stairs. He ran down the hallways and checked every room. Nothing.

"Dabi!" Spinner shouted. Dabi looked up to find his lizard comrade above him. "Follow me! Compress is getting rid of the supplies. I'll take you to Reiki."

"Lead the way." Dabi and Spinner ran through the halls and Spinner threw open the door to the last room. There was a table and chains on the ground. Blood was everywhere.

"Damnit! They must have moved her when they started the attack." Spinner ran towards the back wall.

"Do you know where she is?"

"Yeah, help me with this." Dabi helped Spinner push the wall back. It turned to another room.

"Reiki..." Reiki was chained to a table while her blood trickled into bowls and off the table. She had cuts on her arms and deeper ones on her back. Dabi ran over and Compress ran in.

"Here's the key," Compress said. "Spinner, we should make sure the heroes know where they are. I'll lead some of them to the supply they created."

"Right," Spinner said. He looked over at Dabi, who was carefully freeing Reiki. "She'll be fine, Dabi." They left before he could answer. Once he got the chains off, he carefully picked her up. She woke up enough to start struggling.

"Reiki!" Dabi growled when she tried to shove him away. He caught her wrists and trapped her against his chest. "It's just me. It's me. It's Dabi." Carefully, he pulled the gag off.

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