『 Unwell 』

892 8 2

∘ wroetobehz
minor hurt/comfort
sickfic (?)
can be seen as romantic or platonic

Ethan was minding his own business, smug smile upon his lips, completely content with the hiding spot he chose for this round of hide n seek. The sidemen had found a large space for their newest video and Ethan had tucked himself into one of the farthest buildings, a small little side edition where he was certain no one would find him. Everything was panning out perfect. That's when his phone screen lit up

From: Boggo

'hey eth mate, where abouts are you rn??"

Hm. Harry. The boy had followed him right at the start, they'd both ran out far from the starting line in this direction but the younger of the pair was, as always, bouncing off the walls and split from Ethan to go on his own adventure. What could he want?

Ethan: don't think i'll be falling for your tricks harry, trying to out my spot are we?? :p

Boggo: no

: i swear on my moms life i'm not please mate where are you

Ethan: oh?

: you're moms life you say

Boggo: please ethan imm not trying to get u out i jusneed to know if you're close.

: can you answer or not???

: please

Ethan: ??? okay okay. you know the building with the slanted roof we saw at the very beginning, there's an extension to it round the back im chilling in there

Boggo: thank you

Ethan looked up from his phone, a bit confused and equal bit apprehensive. Another text illuminated the room.

From Boggo:

mgonna try n get to you ssorry i need a bit of help

Ethan: help with what???

: Harry?

What the hell? Ethan looked up into the darkness of the tiny room he resided, questions upon questions phasing in and out of his thoughts. Inner cheek caught between his teeth. He was hoping this wasn't some elaborate prank on him for the video, but also that Harry was alright. Help with what? The question wasn't answered, and it wouldn't be until he heard a small rasp from outside the door.

Three tiny knocks followed by a voice, small but undeniably Harry's.

"Ethan??? H-hey can you please lemme in."

And of course he would.

Ethan got up off the floor with haste, abandoning his hiding spot in the back corner to see just what was going on with his friend. At this point not caring if there was a camera crew outside to tell him he'd been fooled. He pried open the door and a frown took over his features.

Harry stood- or rather leaned against the doorway, hunched over with his jaw clenched and eyes looking anywhere besides Ethan's.


The younger tried to shuffle closer, starting to speak but stumbling over his feet and his words.

"I-.." and he winced. "I'll, I'll explain just give me a sec." He took each breath like it was it's own challenge, head reeling. He hadn't really thought this far ahead after choosing to seek out Ethan. "Can I sit down I'm a bit-"

Ethan, meticulous as always, had already stepped forward into the boys space. Shoulder and chest catching some of Harry's weight as his right leg buckled. Harry was muttering out sorrys that Ethan didn't give half his mind to. Instead focused on carefully leading the younger fully into the room, sinking with the boy to let him sit against the wall.

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