『 Compliments 』

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∘minilan ( Simon x Lachlan)

(this ship NEEDS more story's)

Simon's pov:

          I was browsing Twitter as my newest golf video rendered in a different tab. It had been quite a funny episode and I'm pretty sure the fans are gonna like it. Josh had a pretty iconic Tourette's moment, Vik was raging, and Lachlan...well actually Lachlan didn't say much. Come to think of it he was really quite today....huh.

          I continued to check social media, trying to move my mind onwards from Lachlan but my curiosity got the better of me. That's not like him. He's never that quite and I would know. My ears tend to hone in on Lachlan's voice during recordings....it's just nice. His voice is the perfect balance of a low and high tone, and his accent. Oh my lord his accent is almost hypnotizing. The Australian shines through the most but there's a strange American twang that hangs on his speech from spending so much time in the states. It's so unique and interesting compared to the blain British accent I hear constantly in London. I can easily get lost in the sea of his vocals, and that's what tends to happen in videos....but there was an absence of banter from the beautiful blonde today, and I need to know why. 

          I closed out of Twitter and opened up skype, looking up Lachlan's name.

"Little Lachy"

          I went to click on his name and before I had the chance there was an incoming call from none other than Lachlan himself. I answered his request  and watched his face load onto my desktop. He was sat at his desk, back straight upright but head tilted slightly downwards. His eyes boring into his lap.


His eyes snapped up, now looking to me.

"Hey Simon."

"Uh, what's up? You doing alright?"

He bit his bottom lip and let out a heavy breath.

"Simon..do you think I'm valuable?"


"I-I don't know that's not really the right word but...valuable. I mean, do I have value? Like am I good at stuff?"

A wave of concern took over my emotions.

"Lachlan of course you're good at stuff, where is this coming from?"

"I don't know...its just I don't seem to really have any redeeming qualities. My channel is dying, I'm shit at every video game I play, I'm not really that funny, I'm not that smart. I honesty don't know why you guys let me join recordin-

"Lachlan." I cut him off. He looked towards me again, pressing his lips together. Through those breathtaking blue eyes shone a heavy anxiety. No, Lachlan doesn't deserve this, he is worth so much more that he believes.

"Lachlan your worth cannot even be calculated. We let you join recordings because we want too. You breathe life and joy into the atmosphere. You add so much humor and happiness into not just our videos but our lives."

          "Lachlan I've never met anyone that was as easy for me to befriend as you. You're so easy to talk with. And maybe you're not book smart but you're incredibly intellectual and quite a problem solver when you want to be. Plus you're super funny. I mean sometimes the things I catch you say when the others are talking will literally have me dying. I always have to back away from my mic so I don't ruin my audio from laughing so loud.  And you loose some games....well maybe a lot but my god I'm never facing you in anything to do with Pokemon or my trainer reputation will be completely demolished."

I saw a small smile find its way to his lips. I smiled back.

          "You're work ethic is something I aspire to have. You always make sure to have videos out and manage to stream even with shitty Australian Internet and time zones. You're always traveling and have such a positive outlook on life. You're attitude spreads and literally one skype call from you can put me in a good mood."

Lachlan was starting to blush, cheeks going hot from all the compliments but I continued.

          "You're a good cook, you're really nice, you're generous, you know how to party when the time is right, you make me laugh, your super hot-"

          My face fell blank, eyes widening at the words that left my mouth. Lachlan's face had turned even redder, his skin resembling a cherry tomato. After a few seconds of awkward silence I went to apologize but Lachlan spoke first. A cheeky smirk now playing at his lips.

"Simon Minter, the Simon Minter, every fangirls dream....thinks I'm hot?"

Now my face was going red.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered out the small phrase. Lachlan smiled wide.

"Well thanks....A-and not just for that but for all of it. I don't know where my heads been recently...I wasn't even going to skype you but, you've really helped sort my thoughts. Thank you Simon."

"Of course." I smiled again and tilted my head down hiding the blush on my cheeks and desire in my eyes.

"Ya know you're pretty cute when you blush."


Wow it's been a while. Also this isn't that good, like it's kinda all over the place but I love minilan and wanted to get something out.
I'm working on some fluffy Halloween stuff so hopefully that will be good :)) Till then

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