『 Serene 』

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∘ freezylux
fluff, nostalgia

a very late t-t request for @AlexusWatson2

The two boys were sitting in the opened trunk of Freezy's car, pulled up in the parking lot next to the river. The sun was finishing it's hard days work, just about vacant from the sky but still casting a faint warm toned shimmer across the water, as the rest of the sky was engulfed in blues. It was cold enough for a hoodie. For a blanket and body warmth, but not too much past that, perfect really. Things felt...nice.

Life was fast paced, always was with them ever since they were young. Fresh out of school and shoved into the limelight with both desire and reluctance. The desperation- the maintenance of whatever flame the boys had created was always there. Always existed, and the prospect of the flame dying out was a vicious looming thought. The only way to combat it was to stay 3 steps ahead. Speed. Time. Connections. Their line of work was unprecedented territory until the last ten years so hell if anybody knew any better methods for keeping the world interested in their lives. Film it. Edit it. Commodify it. Be at this meeting by 11, make sure to book the hotel before 4, how much money is left in the account for that? Is this a big enough scale? The flight for next week is still happening right?

Sometimes it was just...exhausting.

There was no way to beat around the bush, it was exhausting sometimes. Full body exhaustion that seeps into your bones and clouds all proper judgement. And this sentiment was hard to believe even when you were the one experiencing it- because there was just so much joy in the work too. Unimaginable opened doors and lifetime memories both Cals wouldn't trade for the world. But the fatigue still lingered- and it's just that sometimes the space it took up was hard to keep at bay.

That's why moments like tonight were...special. Freezy couldn't remember the last time he felt this serene. When was the last time he enjoyed something like this? Air in his lungs. He wasn't a sappy person by any means but he just felt so- content. All of todays work was taken care of which was a huge burden gone. And the light on the water was so...pretty? Yeah no definitely pretty. Pretty in a way he didn't think he often was able to appreciate. Cal was used to the pretty of neon lights at a club, or the makeup of the girls at that sidemen shoot he got invited too. Maybe even the pretty he could sometimes see in the outfits he wore or the cities he walked through. But it felt hard for him to really assign that word wholeheartedly to anything. To see anything outside of a critical lenses. But tonight was pretty- he had decided. The sky and the water and the boy sitting next to him too. All of it.

Callux had been the one who decided to drive out here tonight. He could tell the younger needed to get away for a bit, because he did too. More often than not the two danced around one another- not intentionally but because their lives didn't collide as easily anymore. Each boy had their own endeavors, companies and appearances to maintain. Of course they would come back to each other when the nights came to a close, but there was a longing Lux felt for the other he hadn't had to feel in the past. He loved spending time with Freezy more than anything. It was comfortable, easy to digest. They could fall into conversation at the drop of a dime or bask in the others presence with no words exchanged. It was a special relationship.

Lux turned his head to take in the younger. Watch him watch the movement of the river. Soft blond hair was cut short, different from the fluffy mop he used to have years ago. His leg was up against Cal's own, hidden underneath the blanket he had grabbed before they left. Blue eyes were trainee on the view, poised and relaxed. Just barely a hint of stumble was showing underneath full lips and the breeze left enough of a chill for some color to pool in his cheeks. What a view Lux had too.

Callux was so fond. So mesmerized he found himself recalling anything and everything about the other boy. Thought back to the countless times he was pressed up against the other, letting both their weight keep the other up after one too many drinks. Of pouty lips and half opened eyes. A stuffed pillow around Cal's neck when they got off that one vacation flight at the crack of dawn. Lean muscles and sun kissed cheekbones after a day on the football pitch. He was in a daze, head entirely full of Calfreezy however cheesy that was.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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