『 Hero 』

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Vik's pov

When I saw you. Your vibrant blue eyes closed, your soft clear skin battered, your beautiful thin frame....being rolled in on that gurney....I nearly collapsed. My heart sinking so low that my body was being forcefully tugged to the ground. But I didn't fall. I stood as straight up as I could with my shaking mess of a body. For you.

          Every inch of my body, every ounce of my brain was telling me to let the tears escape. To scream your name at the top of my lungs but I knew better. I knew that's not what you'd want and I knew that I had to keep a hold of myself as long as possible, for you.

          The first thing I did was follow you. You had five people wheeling you across the hospital lobby. I knew them all. I worked with them all everyday. My co workers, the friends I talked to about you constantly were rushing you to the er.

          They had all wanted to meet you. Every day at lunch or on breaks I would tell them about you. I'd shown them photos of us. They always said we were a perfect match. Saying they wished their relationships were as pure as ours. I can't believe that there introduction to the most important person in my life was like that. That wasn't you Harry, that unconscious body covered in bruises and blood wasn't you.

     As you were being rolled into the elevator I finally allowed myself to cry. To release all of the sorrow I had managed to obtain in such a short period of time. My breath hitched in my throat, causing loud strangled sobs to escape my lips. I knew I had to find out what happened. So with my body vigorously shaking and my eyes clouded with fresh tears, I tried to run to the paramedics that had delivered you to the hospital.

          I never knew that moving could be so incredibly difficult. It felt as if cinder blocks were being thrown on my back every time I tried to move. All I wanted to do was be by your side holding your hand tight in my grasp. I couldn't stop thinking that every stride I took towards the doctors was just one more stride I was taking away from you. As painful as it was, I kept going, for you.

"T-tell me what h-happened,"

"Vik? Oh god you're crying what's wrong mate?"

I inhaled deeply, "Please j-just tell me what h-happened to the boy you just brought in."

          Just as I said those words Josh came up to me, one of the lead doctors for emergency situations and major traumas.

"Vik, it's Harry–"

"I know" I turned to him, whimpering out the small phrase. "W-what happened"

"He was in the tube, going to work when a little girl fell onto the tracks. She was so small, and you know Harry. A heart of gold that boy has....He saved her. Jumped down into the tracks and picked her up lifting her safely up to her mother....But he wasn't quick enough"

I inhaled sharply, already knowing what Josh was going to say.

"The train tried to stop but it can only brake so fast....it could have killed him, but I'd didn't. You know we have good doctors here Vik, there's hope for him."

I quickly nodded my head.

"Thank you Josh" were the last words spoken in that conversation before I bolted to the stair well, no longer feeling the cinder blocks on my back. All I needed to do was get to you.

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