Chapter-6 His First Love?

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Next day
All are sitting in the living room,after the breakfast. The dining was full of zaid's nonstop compliments for the delicious breakfast,which had been prepared by y/n. He even kissed the back of her hand,making her more flustered and shy. Bora offered y/n for help in dishes,but the sweet girl politely denied and told her to join others.

Jungkook comes downstairs as usual with tie in his hand. His eyes roam around and fall on his wife's figure who is coming out of kitchen. Even after nonstop work her face still looks like a fresh flower,whose glow never fade away.

She still didn't saw him so he call her and take steps towards her direction.
He was ten steps away from her,when suddenly Leena stand infront of Jungkook with a smile on her face. A frown appeard on brunette face,and he raised his eyebrow at her like questioning her.

"You didn't change a little bit Jungkook. It's surprising that you still didn't learn how to do your tie." There was a hint of teasing in her voice and a wickedness in her eyes.

"Sadly yeah. Now can you leave my way,I need y/n's help. I am gonna late for my meeting."
Jungkook was about to move aside,when Leena fastly grab the tie from his hands and come close to her,which cause a weird feeling in y/n's heart.

"How much work the poor girl will do? Let her rest for sometime. I am free so let me help you."
She gently tug the collar upwards and start to do her work. Their both bodies was really close to each other,and this seriously is making Jungkook uncomfortable. He glance at the girl standing behind Leena and feel uneasiness when he saw her sad face.

Being helpless and hopeless both,y/n sit on the couch near to bora who was busy in her phone,not bothered what's going on in her surrounding. Leena glance at y/n and pok her inner cheek seeing her bothered look.

"Well it's not even your fault Jungkook,you get spoiled by getting so much care from others,that now you think you should not pay attention on these little things.

"What you wanna say?" Without a glance,he asked.

"I mean first mia used to help you in your dressing,
Now you got a caring wife. Luck is in your side boy. Sorry not sorry y/n, But stiil no one can care about Jungkook like mia,afterall she used to love him from her heart."
Leena intentionally said before backing away and stare at y/n whose whole face becomes pale. Her hurt expression are giving satisfaction in someone's heart.

Coating a fake expression of surprise on her face,Leena said.

"What happen y/n? Now don't say that you didn't knew about Jungkook and Mia. You didn't tell him about your..........first love?"
The blonde haired girl look at Jungkook and fake gasped. Discomfort look appeared on Jungkook's face when he saw y/n's eyes which were glistening with fresh tears. Her hands were tightly gripped on her dress.

He looked away and gulped down the lump which formed in his throat without him knowing. He can't stand here more , unknowingly he couldn't be able to breath here.

"I..i am going." His voice comes out in a shaky breath,
He grabbed the suitcase and hurriedly went out. Leaving thousands of questions in his wife's mind and immense pain in her heart.
A satisfactory smirk formed on leena's lips and she quietly enjoyed the scene in front of her with crossed arms.

Not a little amount of sympathy formed in her heart looking at the vulnerable girl with teary eyes and shaking hands.
But her psycho mind is planning more to see this scene which is like a ice on a burning wound.

Zaid who was on call with his mom,enter in the living room and got tensed once his eyes fall on y/n's state. Instantly,he come towards and kneel down infront of her.

"What happen y/n? Why are you crying?"

Minutes ago everything was normal,then which scene caused after he left.
The crying girl just shook her slightly and run away from there. Bora and Zaid look in her direction with concerned look.

"What actually happened?"
Bora look at him and sigh before sitting on the couch.

"I think Y/n still don't know about mia and Jungkook. So it might hurt her,knowing that her husband had a lover before."
Sympathy could be clearly seen on bora's face.

"What? How? I mean who told her?"
Mindlessly,zaid yelled
Bora just turn her head towards Leena who has still not bothered and was standing with crossed arms. She raise her eyebrows when zaid glare at her.

"What the hell Leena? Why you always brings mia's topic?"
His voice is laced with irritation.

"Excuse me! Don't blame me ok. If had knew she have no clue about them then I had not talked about it."
She shrugged,and there was no guilt in her eyes.

"Still you should be careful about it. You know right how y/n was looking confused when you mentioned mia last night,it means she don't know her."
Leena gritted her teeth in anger,when zaid yelled at her.

"Listen Zaid,I seriously was not aware about her knowing. If I had knew,I never bring this. I accidentally bring their topic but it was not my intention. I was just remembering old days. And I think there is nothing wrong talking about my best friend."

Zaid massaged his forehead in irritation. The girl is literally running away from what he had done, ignoring the consequences it can cause,in Jungkook and y/n's relationship.

"You didn't do that Leena. You literally put Jungkook and Mia's relationship infront of her."
Bora spit which make Leena her head turn in another direction.

"You guys are impossible. Well whatever. Why should I even explain,when it was not my fault."
Leena rolled her eyes and her heels tik tok sound disappeared from the hallway. Zaid shook his head in disappointment and look at bora who was looking worried for y/n.

 Zaid shook his head in disappointment and look at bora who was looking worried for y/n

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Vogue Taehyung 🤩
I know I am late 😂

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Edit:- Well Twankuuuuu for 200+ read counts 🥺

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