15-{Means The World To Me!🥺}

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Third Person's Pov

Shriya was sitting in her cabin silently lost deep in her thoughts as she couldn't help but recall all those times when Ishan behaved so different! Shriya would always get irrational whenever Ishan would run off immediately after one call from Arshita even if he has to leave her behind and also how he'd reacted with Abhishek last night in the party and now all those things were making her think twice about her relationship with him. And most of all she couldn't forget all those things that Arshita had said to her, and also the way she always acts around Ishan as if she's trying to show how close they are!

"What is wrong with me? How did I ended up in such a mess?"Shriya murmured to herself while running a hand through her hair when Abhishek entered inside her cabin but she still didn't notice him until he came and knocked on her desk slowly.

"Hey you okay?" Abhishek asked her and Shriya just took a deep breathe nodded her head as she said, "Yeah I was just thinking about something!"

"Is it...about Ishan?" Abhishek asked her after a pause and Shriya just sighed while looking down and said almost in a murmur, "I don't know! Maybe about him, or about myself.....I'm just very confused right now, everything is just messed up Abhay!"

"Can I do something to make it better?" Abhishek asked slowly while keeping his hand on her and giving it an assuring squeeze, while Shriya just shooked her head saying, "I don't know! Things just keep getting more and more tangled and I feel like I can't take it anymore"

"Then don't! If a relationship makes you feel messed up and tangled...then do you think this is the right one for you?" Abhishek asked her and Shriya slumped more into her chair while covering her face with her hands, "I don't know if things are really this messed or am I just overthinking! And yeah....I also remember how you guys fought yesterday at the party, did ypu really have to go there Abhay?" Shriya said as she couldn't understand what was happening with her.

"Well that's because I was worried for you Chia! And do you think yesterday's conversation was my fault because if I'm being completely honest I dont think Ishan is the right person for you!" Abhishek said as he himself had been annoyed by all the things that had been happening between Shriya and Ishan.

"Abhay I'm not a child! I can take my own decisions and tell who's right or wrong for me" Shriya said getting annoyed as she'd already been angry and now that was all coming down on Abhishek, "I didn't mean that! Can't you just see how troubled you've been these fews days since you started dating him!"

"Well what relationship doesn't have fights! We have too but that doesn't mean that you can say he's not the right person for me!" Shriya said raising her voice a bit and Abhishek just sighed as he got up shaking his head and said, "Yeah right! I'm sorry! But don't say that I didn't warn you....I just hoped that you wouldn't get hurt.. That's all I cared about" Abhishek said as he walked out of her cabin while Shriya let a out a deep sigh while running a hand through her hair.

"What the fuck is wrong with me!" Shriya murmured to herself as she just shook her head and then got up to leave as she thought resting a little bit might help her taking her mind off of these thoughts! She picked up her stuff and walked out of the office not before looking at Abhishek's cabin which was empty and she knew he had went back angry!

Shriya just walked out while trying not to think much while she was waiting for her cab as she had came with Abhishek in the morning so she didn't bought her car when the next moment a car came and stopped right in front of her.

Shriya looked at the car when Ishan stepped out the next moment and walked upto her. She kept staring at him silently as she didn't knew how to react right now as her head was so messed up because of all the things that had happened over the few days!

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