Chapter 10 - "Repay to friendship..."

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"As I enter Arya's Mansion, I feel the tension and discomfort in all the faces around. His guards salute me in their usual manner and one of his henchmen greets me with his pale worried face. I ask him through my eyes about Arya's presence and he directs me to his office room. I stare up and take the staircase to the room. Since last night, we haven't talked to each other. Arya was over the top and so was I. I know we notorious 5 never used to like any other person's presence among us. In fact, we had an unsaid pact that if any of us date any girl, he would keep her out of our company. Notorious 5 will never compromise with their bond. However, the time has changed. So, we. Nandini came into my life like an unexpected storm. She not only has changed me as a human being but also has changed my priorities in life. I can't deny that friendship has taken a back seat after that. But still, I can't deny that friendship will always be an important part of my life. I can't lose Arya or any of them as my friend. And here I am to make him understand this. When I was about to open the ajar door of his office room, some scattered words hit my ears. Arya's ship consignment has been confiscated by Indian port guards. Well, this is not a rare scenario in business. Giant business companies often face these situations and come out of them as well. But in the Mafia business, this matter is a bit dicey because here nothing is in white and where there is darkness there is a problem. Only then, Arya's hoarse voice catches my attention. He said he doesn't need any friends to help him. My jaws get hard. He is really upset with me. And I can't allow this to happen. I barge in and counter his words. Arya turns at me. I can feel the fire in his eyes even from this distance. There are two more people in the room who are staring at me with sheer surprise. Well, I know no one dares to enter Arya's office room without his permission. And here I am the exception. I ignore them as my whole concentration is on Arya. We lock our piercing eyes at each other for some silent moments. And then he commands in a virile voice."

"You both, buzz off. Let me handle this consignment thing and make sure no one can disturb me. No one!"

Aryamaan puts stress on his last two words. This indicates that he wants to talk to Manik as well. Both of his men nod and leave the room immediately. Manik saunters to Aryamaan and sits on one of the chairs opposite his desk. Aryamaan gets up from his revolving chair and walks towards the bar corner.

"Make one for me."

Manik sounds casual. Without replying to anything, Aryamaan gets two scotch glasses and pop opens the bottle.

"What brought you here? I think we concluded our fight last night only."

Aryamaan mouths sarcastically. Manik lifts a paperweight from the desk and spins it.

"Do you remember, in our 5th standard you and I had a huge fight over an issue? The issue I can't recollect but I remember that our verbal fight eventually ended in a battle royal. You broke my tooth and I hit your head with a brick. You fainted then and there."

Manik utters unmindfully as the incident vividly comes in front of his eyes. Arya approaches the desk with a slow gait. A snigger is lingering on his lips. He places one of the glasses in front of Manik. The thud sound brings Manik to the present.

"So, have you come here to finish the fight in that way? Don't forget that you still have enough teeth to break and I love to punch."

Aryamaan mutters in a light tone while observing his fist. A broad smile gradually beams on Manik's lips. He grabs the scotch glass and reclines on the chair.

"No, I am here after remembering what happened after that bloody fight. You went to the nursing home and I got 7 stitches in my gums. Everybody thought that our friendship has broken. I remember even Cabir, Dhruv and Abhi started doubting that maybe this is our last. Notorious 5 will break. But..."

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