Chapter 17- "New friendship..."

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Nandini's surprised eyes collide with Dhruv's smiling face.

"Hi, Nandini. Good to see you again."

Dhruv's amicable greeting brings a cordial smile back to her face.

"Hi! You here?"

Nandini asks affably. The billing counter girl makes the bill and transfers the paper bags to Nandini. But before she can grab them, Dhruv offers his assistance.

"Let me have this, please. Thank you!"

He addresses the cashier, holds the bags in both hands and gestures to Nandini to follow him.

"Come! Let's have some coffee. I hope you are not in a hurry."

Dhruv asks with a gentle smile. Frankly speaking, Nandini was feeling a bit tired. Moreover, she stepped out without informing Manik and there is a reason behind it. Since she talked about that unknown guy and his phone calls to Manik, Nandini has been restricted to go anywhere without bodyguards. Precisely this was her fear. Manik's overprotectiveness sometimes turns to over possessiveness. Although she agreed that time because sometimes it's better to keep the devil calm with obedience. Simultaneously sometimes it's fun to disobey the devil and break his rule. Nandini looks at Dhruv's inquisitive eyes and wobbles in denial. It's not the decency to deny someone's friendly request when he helped you in need.

"No, I am free for some hours. By the way, thank you so much for the help. It was really a mess. I will transfer..."

Dhruv stops her words in between and says,

"Ahhh...don't be so formal, Nandini. You are Manik's wife. Like my family. And I think family members don't thank each other for this kind of little help."

In reply, Nandini gives a soothing smile. At the party, she didn't have much scope to talk to Dhruv, but he cast a pleasing impression on her during that short time. This guy is a bit different from his other friends of Manik. Not rude and not isolated. Meanwhile, they reached the food court upstairs. Dhruv keeps the bags on a chair, pulls out the other chair to help Nandini to sit and lastly occupies the opposite seat. Mini starts tapping the table amusedly. Dhruv's eyes dance with affection. He asks hopefully,

"May I?"

He hints to take Mini in his lap. Nandini grins. Men look cute when they are with kids.

"Sure! If you can handle her. You know, the genes. She is as choosy as her father."

Nandini utters in a light tone and lifts Manikya to transfer her to Dhruv. Surprisingly she doesn't show her pickiness and comes to him with a toothless smile.

"You are right. She has the same taste as her father. Both chose the same person."

Dhruv mouths lightly and grabs Manikya in his embrace. Nandini squints her eyes quizzically. Dhruv gives a broad smile.

"Manik and his daughter. Both chose the same person. Me. I must say, they both have good taste. Ha...ha..."

Dhruv laughs while fondling Mini's back. Nandini observes her picky daughter who very quickly and comfortably accepts her new companion as she rests her tiny head on Dhruv's shoulder.

"Hmmmm...I can see that. Anyway, how is Aliya? I couldn't call her after that party. My bad."

Nandini diverts the topic. Dhruv beckons a waiter and orders two cups of coffee. Nandini denies any other snacks.

"Aliya is good. I know you must have expected her with me because men hardly visit a shopping mall without their partners. But here the case is different. She avoids shopping and mostly I shop for us. By the way, she was asking about you. After that know..."

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