Chapter 12 - "I lost, you won..."

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After getting everything ready in the bathroom, Nandini comes out. She locates Manik on the bed, sitting in the same position without any initiative of preparing himself for the bath. Nandini purses her lips and sighs in impatience.

"Why are you still sitting like a puppet? Take off your shirt and come. I got everything ready."

Nandini mouths in a hurry while nearing Manik. He looks at her with cocking head and replies in a bland tone,

"I think you just said that you will help me with everything. Everything means everything. I can't move my hand. Do yourself whatever is required."

Mischiefs glint in his eyes. Nandini slightly squints her eyes and without further wasting her words and time, touches the button of his shirt. Manik doesn't move his eyes from Nandini's face. Nandini unbuttons his shirt and then carefully opens the sling. Manik bites his lower lip to suppress the pain. Nandini scoots forward more to take off the shirt from Manik's body. Her cheek and nape come closer to Manik's face. His hot breath fans her skin. The proximity gives a titillating sensation to her body. However, she concentrates on the work. Taking off his shirt, she again stands straight. She doesn't meet his eyes lest the uneasiness becomes evident to him. Manik observes the redness of her cheeks and ears. He smirks and utters in a raspy voice,

"Desire in a man is hunger, in a woman is only an appetite. Not fair! Isn't it?"

The taunt in his tone and the subtle meaning force Nandini to lift her face. Manik is giving his infamous lopsided smile.

"Nowadays I am suffering from loss of appetite. Now, can we focus on our main purpose? I have other important things to do."

Nandini's blunt and stern words make Manik halt for a nanosecond. This is her speciality. She always dares to challenge this devil. Manik clenches his jaws and says,

"Then do the less important thing first. I am ready."

He approaches the bathroom followed by Nandini.

"First, let me save you. After that, we will take a shower."

Nandini mumbles. Manik arches his brow and asks amusedly,

"We will take a shower? Sure?"

Jest is palpable in his voice. Nandini immediately groks her mistake and rectifies,

"I mean you will. I will just help you. Don't try to be over-smart."

She grabs his wrist and makes him sit on a stool. Manik murmurs,

"I never try because I am already smart."

Nandini ignores his continuous sarcasm and takes some saving foam in her palm. Then she lifts his face with her left hand and carefully smears the foam along his jawline. Manik doesn't move an inch but his curious eyes don't leave her face. Nandini folds her lips and mindfully covers the beard with foam. Then she takes the safety razor in her hand and touches it on his cheek. Manik mouths in an amused tone,

"You know, a razor in a woman's hand looks so sexy as well as dangerous. Sexy because the way they slide it on our skin and dangerous, well for some moments we are vulnerable to be slain by them. Dangerously sexy!"

He concludes with a soft giggle. Nandini slides the blade smoothly along his jawline while meeting his eyes with her penetrating ones.

"Women have many better weapons to slay the men than this safety razor, Mr motor mouth. Like poison, kitchen knife or even better love trap. And I am sure that time they look sexier. Now, shut your mouth and let me do my job. Otherwise, I will definitely try to cut your throat even with this innocent safety razor."

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