Moving again

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Sherlock was different from all the other kids in this village. He didn't seem to worry about the things that other kids used to worry about, things like new toys and sweets. He only cared about his dog and world problems. At the age of 15 when other teens started to have parties, started dating and do all the staff that teens do, Sherlock hadn't changed. For you, that was the fact that made you like him so much. He also didn't have many friends, to be honest you were his only friend. You were the person that Sherlock came to when he needed to talk. Back then you didn't realise that his parents and his brother took him as "the weird kid", but he wasn't weird, he was special. He always managed to spot small details that no one else saw.

You went to the same school, but since he was a year older than you, you didn't go to the same class. You were not the popular type at school, mostly because you were friends with Sherlock. Everyone said that he was a freak. You even got to a fight once or twice because of that.  Sherlock didn't seem to mind all the bullies, he kept it all inside. 

When the both of you had graduated, you went to school in Glasgow and he moved to London. The year that you spent alone in the school was one of the most lonely ones in your life. For a while you kept writing and calling from time to time but after a year or two even that stopped. 

You got Sherlock's new address from Mycroft, he wasn't hard to contact to. He seemed really happy about someone else but family caring about Sherlock. You even went for a quick coffee ( coffee for you, tea for him) and talked about your childhood. He told you that Sherlock had changed, what ever that was supposed to mean.

Here you were now, in London, in front of 221B Baker Street. It felt so weird to think that you were living in the same city again. You knocked on the door and an older women with a kind face opened the door. 

" How can I help you dear?" she asked.

 "Is Sherlock at home?"

" Oh, yes he just came. Just go upstairs and you'll find him dear."

 "Thank you madam!"  

"Oh just call me Mrs Hudson." 

You went upstairs and there he was, a bit taller and a bit more muscular but still the same old Sherlock you had known. 

" Hey, I haven't seen you for a while now." You knew it's not the best line to start a conversation with a long lost friend but you couldn't come up with anything better. He turned around and for a second I thought that he didn't recognise you. Then you saw a spark in his eyes.

"Y/N! Where have you been all this time?" He seemed so happy, you went up to him and hugged him.

Moriarty x Reader x Sherlock ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now