I've had enough !

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Next morning you woke up because of the door bell.  You were very sleepy and it was only 9.30 AM. You changed your clothes really quickly and went to the door. You unlocked it and in that exact moment Sherlock rushed in.

"Is he still here?" He rushed into the living-room, then into the bedroom and finally into the kitchen.He looked a bit mad, OK maybe not mad but definitely disappointed.

"Is who here?" You were so sleepy that you didn't understand a word he was saying.

"That's a good question, what did he call himself? Did he introduce himself as Richard? Richard Brook maybe? Yep, he still was mad at you.

" I don't know this Richard whoever you are talking about. Now would you explain what did those texts mean last night?" You were trying to stay calm and not get mad at him.

"I thought they were pretty straightforward, I told you to stay away from that man!" You were trying to stay calm so hard.

" Thanks for worrying but I can take care of myself , now if you excuse me ..."

" NO, you don't understand he's a murderer!!! I came here today hoping that he hasn't killed you!" He was screaming at you , how very polite. You were already really mad at him but that was the last thing you could take at the moment.

" Did you really think that I spent a night with a guy I met on the same day! Is that what you think of me ? I would have believed anything but this from you! GET OUT!" You've never felt so angry in your life, you were screaming at him. Suddenly you felt tears running down your face.

"Y/N calm down! I've understood that it's completely normal in the eyes of the society in 21st century." He's voice was calm but you understood he was still mad at you. He came closer to you and put his hand on your left shoulder. You pushed it away, and said " Get out! Right now!" He took a deep breath and looked into your eyes.
" I never wanted to make you cry, but you have to understand that you can't meet this man again. He is dangerous! How did he call himself when he didn't use the name Richard? "

You pushed him into the corridor and opened the front door, he stepped outside " His name is Jim and I'm probably having a date with him in the evening and you will keep yourself away from this!" You closed the door in front of his face. You tried to calm down and in five minutes your voice was not so shaky anymore. You took out your phone and the paper that Jim had wrote his number on. You dialed the number and called. He answered in few seconds. "Yes?"

" Hey, it's Y/N. I wondered, what are you doing today?"

" Is everything ok? Your voice sounds like you've been crying." He sounded sweet.

" Oh I'm fine, it's nothing." You tried to make your voice sound more steady.

" Are you sure? Anyway I don't have plans for today. What would you like to do?" You were absolutely sure that he was smiling again.

" How about I come to your place Y/N and then we can think what to do and where do go? OK?"

"That sounds fine." You replied.

"I'll be there in an hour or so, see you then."


"Bye Y/N!" You hung up. Hmm.. now you've got only one hour to clean this place up, find some clothes and do the make-up.

Moriarty x Reader x Sherlock ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now