New plan

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You were sitting at "you" table, you and Jim. Outside the Speedy's there were armed so called bodyguards . You caught yourself from thinking that you've never been in a situation as sticky as this before. You had no idea what were you going to do or what Jim was planning. You knew that he was planing something because he seemed pleased with himself.

" So what did you want to ask?" Jim said with a mild voice. 

" Sorry, what?" you were so deep in your thoughts. 

" You said that you wanted to ask me some questions to sort out your mind." Jim understood that you were really nervous. 

" Oh, eermm yes, right. So first of all... How can I know that you're not just using me to get to Sherlock?" That was the first thing that popped into your mind. Jim started laughing 

" Really? That is the question you wanted to ask from me? I thought it was going to be something about my actions, for example why have I killed people or something close to it. Or did you already read the letter that I left on your kitchen table?" He started typing something with his phone. 

" What letter?" you had no idea what he was talking about. He showed you an unsent message on his phone it said " I'm lying , just go with it". 

" Didn't you notice it on your table this morning , I left it there, it was a story about me that I wanted to tell you before you decide if you wanted to see me again or not. Absolutely everything that you could ask from me was answered there. That's why I was so surprised that you had questions for me." Jim had to hold himself back just to not burst out laughing. 

" I wasn't at home this night, I was with one friend of mine. So no I haven't seen it. What did you write there, for example I mean?" you're that sort of person who has absolutely no imagination so you really hoped that this conversation is going to end soon. 

" As I said I wrote about my life, why, who, when and so on. Also where I really live so if you wanted to see me you could find me there." Now you understood what Jim was doing, he wanted at least some of the backup team to leave. They needed this information and wouldn't it be convenient to pay a visit to Jim's house when he's in a cafe. You saw that one of the guys who were waiting in front of the cafe sat into the car and drove off. Other ones were nervously talking with someone through phones. 

"Why didn't you just send an email?" you asked just to brake the weird silence. 

" I thought that now, when Sherlock knows about you and me he's lovely older brother might keep an eye on your emails." Jim was typing on his phone again, he turned his phone to you, this time it said " say that you're going to the restroom for a minute, so we can leave and they will not think that the silence is a bit odd." you nodded and took the micro sensor out again and looked at Jim with a face that said something close to " What am I going to do with this?" He took the sensor from your hand and just held it on his hand. 

" Excuse me for a minute," you said out loud. 

" But of course" Jim said while he put the sensor into an old woman's handbag who sat right behind us. We stood up and he took my hand," It's going to be fine, try to stay calm" he whispered. You walked through the kitchen and stopped just before opening the backdoor.

 " Y/N are you sure that you want to do this? You could just go back and say that I was gone when you came back." Jim seemed a bit concerned. 

" I'm not going to leave you. Where are we going? "Jim smiled with one of his cutest smiles and said: " How does Spain sound?" 

"Spain it is then." You walked outside, there were no guards there, you took a cab, at that exact moment we heard screams from the Speedy's. They guards had taken out their guns and entered Speedy's. 

" Don't worry." Jim said a while he pulled you closer.

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