Not so sure anymore

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You unlocked your front door, Jim was talking something with the cabbie, probably paying for your ride. You really didn't care what they were talking about or will he follow you into the house , you just needed some time alone. When yoh finally managed to open the door you threw your coat on the closest chair, placed the vase on table and rushed upstairs into your bedroom. You didn't lock the door, you really thought that if Jim would have followed you it would have seemed strange- like you were hiding myself from him. But maybe you were,  somewhere in the back of your mind you were scared of him. The look that he had when he was threatening Sherlock was something you could not understand. There was something about it that alarmed you. Only now you started thinking that maybe, just maybe you were blinded by all the nice sides of Jim, maybe Sherlock didn't lie. The more you thought about it the more reasonable it seemed. Sherlock was not that kind of guy who would be jealous of some other guys who you were spending time with. After today's events you were sure that Sherlock and Jim must have know each other, the way they spoke wasn't the sort of way that absolute strangers would talk.

" If you want me to leave I can go, just tell me Y/N and I'll be on my way." A shiver ran through you, you hadn't noticed that Jim was standing now right behind you. All of sudden, when you heard his voice, so sweet and humble, the hesitation was gone.
" No, no I don't want you to leave. It's not about you, it's about him." you replied after a too long pause.
"Him? You mean Sherlock?"he didn't feel himself comfortable while talking about Sherlock.
" Yes, him." You didn't feel like talking about it either.
" How do you know him?" he asked carefully. You told him about your childhood and how you had visited Sherlock yesterday. After you finished you asked him:
" You guys know each other, don't you? " he looked deep into my eyes, you were sure that he wanted you to change the topic, after a long silence he said :
" OK, but I need you to be really open minded about this. OK?" he asked.
"OK." You replied almost immediately.
" Just as Sherlock claimed to you I am a criminal, some might even call me a murderer but I think that sounds a bit too rough. I would never let someone innocent get hurt, never. They all deserved it in a way, they were horrible people in life. I have probably saved more lives than I've took. And I have never, absolutely never killed anyone. I have people for that." You sat down on your bed, that was too much to cope with, your head rested on your hands and your elbows rested on your tights.

" Sherlock has tried to stop my actions for a while now." he continued.
" Stop, I don't want to know. I wanna ask you something."
" You can ask anything my dear."
" Did you know about my friendship with Sherlock when we met?"
" I didn't, I promise to you I had no idea." he looked so innocent.
" So you didn't use me to get to Sherlock?" you asked with a bit shaking voice.
" Y/N, I would never do this to you, never. I understand that you probably don't want to see me again, but please Y/N, think about it." he took your hands, and looked straight into your eyes, you stood there and it felt like the world had stopped spinning, like the time had stopped. He kissed you on your forehead and let go of your hands.
" Think about it Y/N, please!" he said and left the room. You heard the front door closing after him. You had no idea what to do or think. You went downstairs and put the roses into this vase. For a second you thought that you might just throw that vase on the ground but it seemed too dramatic. You found a card inside the bouquet of flowers.
"Beautiful roses for the most incredible lady I have had the honour of meeting with." It broke your heart. You felt like the stupidest girl on earth. You dialed Sherlock's number. He answered quickly.
" Y/N are you OK? Y/N what did he do to you?" Sherlock seemed nervous.
" I'm OK, I just need to talk to someone."
"I'll be there in less than 10 minutes." Sherlock said and ended the call.

Moriarty x Reader x Sherlock ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now