It's hard naming chapters ( chapter 2)

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(Note from author I might have have a hard time updating because me myself have a lot to do so , please forgive me. But I swear I will do everything in my might to finish this story , so now no time to waste get your headphones and make sure play some Lana del Rey.)

(This story is taking place in between 1985-2000 ) ( Marius Wang ) : My playlist was going on shuffle in my mix tape as I was on the balcony , I mean obviously not the balcony of my house I could  never afford one , at my workplace (the bar) since it was a popular spot for like...literally everyone it was very big! Like giant! And so obviously it had little rooms as well , so people could rent them out and make love in those rooms , we didn't need to see them doing it ... we could see how gruesome it was just by doing the cleaning for them afterwards , the more money you were willing to pay the bigger the room you would get , so obviously when I was done cleaning I would just lock myself in those rooms so my boss wouldn't yell at me , or get the opportunity but then again I had to get out at some point so I would still get yelled at , it was so unfair ! Not like that old bastard did anything other than shove his head up people's asses waiting for the right moment to ruin their lifes. 

I had to get going now because next week I had a very big and important art exposition that would surely catch the eye of the public  ! With my good buddies Xiao zhan he was basically a brother to me , Jili , Song  Jiyang , Yubin , and Xuan Lu , they were all very close to me and they were all very important to me . But since we were all going through the same situations ( very hard situations) we couldn't really keep in contact as much as we used to in the past , we used to be that one typical trouble making teenagers we haven't really changed , well we are still the same to each other , always bickering and having stupid little arguments, but now we are adults we have responsibilities and we are completely free in the hands of this big and dangerous world , the world it self isn't scary it's the people.

Yet we all have each other , we tried so hard not the get eaten up by all the rights and wrongs of this world yet we failed , we all failed together. 

I have depression, i have to take pills , a lot of them , most of them I can't even afford , therapy is way to expensive I could only dream of it. So I have to stay silent and suffer in the little security bubble I created as a child not only me , but all my friends helped, we've known each other technically from when we were born all our parents died when we were all very young and we all met at the orphanage, and we grew a bond , yet somehow even after being one by one removed from each other's lives , we still kept in contact , we had to beg for our "parents" to let us still be "us" 

Xiao zhan had to mature from a very young age since most of his care taker's weren't very responsible, they weren't responsible at all , we all had a lot in common and one of those things were all of the things we had shared in our trauma , for example both Xiao zhan and me ( Wang Marius Cheng) both got sexually assaulted a couple of times , I interpret it as a couple of times since the amount of time we both got raped was inhumane.

Both me and Xiao Zhan decided it would be a good idea to do everything side to side so not to forget about each other , because we loved everyone in our friend group more than anything.

Jili had gotten drugged and abused from quite a young age as well, same thing with Yubin but then Yubin got abandoned, and Xuan Lu had gotten into an abusive relationship while her husband's age was over the roof! Nothing to worry about though we helped her escape that relationship, her recovery was much easier to make than the other, and Song Jiyang had also been used for all this same reasons especially sexual assault.

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