Note.(Yizhan oneshot)

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Y'all writing smut is incredibly hard , but I'll try since I know you all are horny.

Why is writing smut so hard?! 😃😃😃😃😃🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨😦😦😦😦😦😦😦

Maybe it's because most of us are virgin losers and people that have never experienced it don't really know how to describe it ???

Don't be shy and tell me what you think.

Yibo sighed as he walked in his mansion , he put his work bag next to the door , he took his shoes off " Yibo? Is that you?" Yelled his partner from the kitchen, he silently made his way to the kitchen . In the kitchen he saw his lover's back facing him , he back hugged his lover taking a big breath of his lover's sweet scent. "You bought a new apron?" Asked Yibo in a soft tone "Oh , you noticed, mhm! Do you like it?" "Yes , you look magnificent." Answered Yibo while digging his head deeper on Xiao Zhan "Ah-eeeek! Yibo! That tickles , stop that." Yibo licked Zhan's earlobe " Ah-eeehhh! You must be tired Yibo , go take a shower and rest , I'll serve lunch." "Come with me."  "Hm?" "Come shower with me , please." "Yibo you are a 24 year old adult man , come on!" "Lunch is in 2 hours , why so ahead of time?" "Well! I was trying a new recipe, and it takes time."

 After taking a shower Yibo walked out and the first thing he did was go up to his lover boy and sat next to him on the couch. Xiao Zhan was reading another recipe book when he got trapped between the strong arms of his husband "We haven't been able to pass quality time together lately." Said Yibo " Oh well , you've been busy with work, but the vacations are near!" "Are you trying to insult my iq right now?" " Oh no absolutely not!" "Oh yeah?" "Well then , why don't you give me a little treat?" "Yibo , as you kno-AAAAAAHH!" "Your absolutely adorable when your vulnerable." Said Yibo placing butterfly kisses on Zhan's neck "Y-Yibo how about we actually spend quality time instead of you know-?" Said Zhan placing his palm in front of his and Yibo's face to separate one another. "I have plenty of creative ideas on what to do!"

"Ooooohhhh? OOOOOOH! Look at that that one! Yibo! It must be very tasty!" " Mmm , it indeed is." "We'll take care of that later , for now let's focus on this." Xiao Zhan giggled, he was happy that he finally got to spend time with his husband whilst Yibo was slightly dissatisfied that he didn't get to fuck Zhan but he was happy seeing Zhan happy , and to be honest gardening is quite fun of an activity!

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