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Buffy woke up and went downstairs and sat on his couch. "I should tell you now that we are going on a trip for a few days." Rupert stated, looking at his slayer. "When?" Buffy asked him. "Today apparently, I have spent most of the morning packing my things.." He replied. "Why?" Buffy asked her watcher. "Well, Willow and your friends have decided that you need a vacation to relax." Rupert explained to her gently. "Oh, where will I ever sleep?" She asked him. "You will be sleeping in my tent with me. You need to pack clothes and your necessities." He said as he looked at him. "Who is gonna watch the town?" Buffy asked him. "The others have decided that we need time to relax." Rupert said looking at his companion. "Okay, if they think that it's best. You work on the chairs, tent, sleeping bag, weapons, rug, four buckets, a lot of food, drinks, and everything that you want to bring but forget the basic camping gear. Giles, I have got the rest, and it's actually a present for you." She said looking at him with a soft smile. "Alrighty then. I will leave it to you, Buffy." Rupert said softly. "So where exactly is this resort thingy, the Yukon?" She teased. "It's quite nearby, actually. It's the site of some fascinating druidic rituals which is near a beautiful pond." Rupert said excitedly as Buffy. "Maybe we can curl up with a nice book and enjoy one another's company." Rupert said softly to her. "We are not gonna settle there and grow crops or anything." She questioned him. "What?" He asked her confused as she pointedly look at everything that he was bringing. "Oh, my gear. No, no, this is, this is basic necessities." He added in realization. "Giles, you pack like I used to." Buffy said softly as he gives her a soft little smile. "Well, yes but we need all of this to ensure that our trip is a pleasant one." He said. She just smiled and helped him pack everything that they needed. Buffy giggled as she then helped him as they packed all of Rupert's things into his car. She packed some clothes, toiletries, and her basic necessities which were her pillows, a queen-sized foam mattress, a sleeping bag, blankets, food, water, and Mr. Gordo, her beloved stuffed pig. She made sure that Dawn would be comfortable with Willow and Tara before she and Rupert packed up the car and got in. Buffy got comfortable in the passenger seat, preparing for the long ride to the pond. They stopped at a gas station, they went into the store, and bought some snacks and drinks while Rupert got gas and filled up the car. It was supposed to be around an hour's drive to the retreat at the pond. Buffy bought a drumstick ice cream cone, a bag of puffy Cheetos, a tuna fish sub, a pack of Oreos, and a two-liter bottle of Mountain Dew. She paid for her stuff and left. She got into the car, and got comfortable before she ate some food. As they left the gas station, she pushed in a CD and pressed play on her 'Road Trip Playlist'. "What is this, Buffy?" Rupert asked her softly listening to the music she was playing on the radio. "I got some of your vinyl music digitized and burned onto a cd for our car ride. Willow and Xander are amazing at doing stuff like that." She replied. "Well, yes, I suppose they are." He said. 'Buffy woke up in a large box, she took a deep breath as she punched through it, she broke it and dirt poured in but she made a hole big enough but she wasn't able to find a way out then suddenly she apparently had climbed up to the surface. Suddenly her hand bursts out from below, then another hand, then her head and shoulders. She gasps for air, pulls herself up onto the grass, and lies there panting. She looks around at the dark forest, very fearfully. Buffy slowly gets to her feet, turns, and stares at the headstone with her name on it. Buffy wore a black dress with a dark hose and black-heeled shoes. Her hair is shaggy and mostly covers her face. Everything was blurry and indistinct but she continued on walking, squinting and frowning at the burning cars.' 

She woke up with a scream. She looked around and saw Giles next to her. He was wearing a worried expression on his face. "Buffy? Are you okay?" He asked her as he pulled over. "I do remember dying and the last thing I saw was Dawn crying. But I knew what the first slayer meant when she said that death was my gift." She said softly. "The next thing I remembered was fighting my way back to the surface from my coffin. I was so scared but not of dying but of never seeing your and Dawn's face again. That is what motivated me to keep going. Then you weren't there, Dawn was but you weren't. All I wanted was you, Giles. So I waited, I don't remember much after what happened before you came back. It felt like I was just going through the motions waiting for you to return to me. But after you did, I could remember that happened everything after that when I saw you. It was like I could finally breathe again." She said looking at him. "I love you, Buffy. I am so glad that you are back." Rupert said as he hugged her and kisses her forehead gently. "I am one call away always, Buffy." He reassured her. She nodded as they got back on the road.

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