➸ Chapter 2

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The ride back home with Tris was rather awkward and silent. Camila was polite enough to thank him, and apologize for her shyness before she stepped out of his car and into the cool breeze outside. It was already so late; she must have been at the club later than she thought she would be, even if she spent half the time waiting outside for Tris to finish up with whatever the heck he was doing in there...

Camila went straight to bed, she was so exhausted. It felt so good to get out of the tight dress Dinah had suggested she wore. But deep down she felt good about it; it had gotten her some attention after all. Attention from a very attractive, fascinating, lovely woman. The young girl blushed and turned around in her bed. The thought of Lauren made her restless. The thought of the club made her restless.

'Why did I let my nerves get the best of me?' She sighed to herself. She placed a hand on her chest, where she could still remember the sting of the crop hitting the skin just above her breasts. 'Dinah's messed me up. Dinah's ruined me. I'm going to be some sort of kinky freak for the rest of my life... but oh my gosh Lauren... Lauren...'

After fifteen minutes of tossing and turning, she was asleep.


The room was dark, and heavy music was playing. Camila couldn't spot the place in the room where it was coming from. It sounded like it was coming from all around her, from no particular direction at all. It took what seemed like minutes for her to realize where she was. She was on one of the stages at the club. Her body was tied up in the same manner as the girl at the club from the night before, the ropes tied tightly above and below her breasts, making them stand out more. They were red and slightly sore, but that didn't stop the throbbing between Camila's legs. Her face was against the cold grate of the floor, which hurt. Before she could think about what she was doing up there, there was a loud crack as a whip was cracked over her back.

Camila let out a whimper as her knees buckled beneath her, "Oh my god," she cried, as her tormentor lashed her three more times, "I-it hurts..." she cried out.

Lauren's voice was in her ear now, and soft hands were roaming all over her supple body, "You're in a trance, Camila... You're in a trance," her voice echoed, "I have that sort of effect on people. Give in to the atmosphere. Give in to the most basic of human instincts..." Camila shuddered and moaned, "You don't have to explain yourself with words..."

"Please give me more..." Camila whispered, "Lauren please..."

More lashes. Hard, stinging lashes, all over her back. The last one was across her ass, which made her squeeze her thighs together. Lauren moved Camila's legs apart again, and the younger girl didn't have the strength to shut them again. She lashed the whip hard between Camila's legs, which was enough to send her over the edge.


Camila woke up covered in sweat, with a sticky mess in her underwear. She was so incredibly embarrassed she felt like her cheeks were on fire. It was times like these she was grateful for not sharing a room with her best friend. 'Why am I dreaming of things like this? Why are they even in my brain? What the hell is wrong with me?'

Camila slid out of bed and got a clean change of clothes, underwear included of course. She snuck into the bathroom, locking the door behind her, so she could clean herself of the dirty thoughts that she'd been managing to have.


Camila felt so refreshed after her shower. She was wearing a loose white singlet with some arty photography of a naked woman on it. It was the kind of singlet that had the very open sleeves so that she could show off the nice bra she was wearing. She decided to just go with plain pale blue jeans considering she was only planning to stay at home most of the day. She was getting frustrated with the fact her boss didn't let her have as many shifts as she used to have. They'd recently gotten a lot of new underage employees, meaning they didn't have to pay them as much. That's exactly how businesses like that worked. They kept hiring young people and firing the ones who were in line for a pay rise.

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