➸ Chapter 5

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Over the next three days, Camila spent some time organizing herself. It took a few days to properly organize her quitting her old job, because her boss had seemingly lost the paperwork they needed her to sign, and they were still calling her in for shifts despite the prior notice of her quitting. She was happy to leave, considering her boss was a useless man who kept forgetting he had a job to do every time he laid eyes on Camila's ass. 'But isn't Lauren paying you only to do the same thing? No. No Lauren's different. Lauren is Lauren, and he was... well... him.'

After three days of not hearing from Lauren, Camila was surprised to get a phone call from her, especially not at nine at night. She wasn't feeling very tired, because she'd hyped herself up on coffee and she hadn't done much exercise that day. (One thing she missed about her old job was the fact it gave her a reason to walk somewhere every day, and she wasn't just lounging around like a lazy ass.)


"Camz... it's Lauren... I'm so sorry for calling so late I really hope I'm not being a bother."

"Of course you're not being a bother, it's fine.

"I haven't been sleeping well lately."

"Neither have I..."

"Do you have much energy right now? Because I really wouldn't mind having some company for an hour or two. I'm just down at the Cherry Bomb House doing some work. I know you're not officially my assistant yet, but I wouldn't mind some help, and I'd pay you for it," Lauren spoke, loud banging coming from the other end of the line.

"It sounds like you're really struggling," Camila giggled, a sound so pretty it made Lauren blush.

"It's not easy doing these sorts of things with one hand. So you'll come over?"

Camila sighed without realizing she had the goofiest smile on her face, "Of course. Just text me the address and I'll catch a cab."

"I have a private driver. You can use him whenever you want-"

"No a cab is fine. I don't want to bother you or your driver. I l-," she coughed to cover up what she was going to say, "Oh my god I hope I'm not getting sick," she lied awkwardly, "I'll be there soon."

"Okay," Lauren's smile was evident in her voice, "I'll see you then."

Camila hung up. 'Why did I almost tell her I love her when I don't even know her? It's out of habit, for sure. I mean, I'm about to have some weird relationship with her, and the only kind of relationships I know are romantic ones. I hope this doesn't prove to be difficult for me.' She thought, a frown on her slightly blushing face. She was grateful for having gotten dressed earlier that day despite the fact she wasn't going anywhere. (It made her feel less lazy that way.) She grabbed her mobile, her purse, and rushed outside to hail a cab. Dinah was asleep and wouldn't even realize that she was missing.

Thanks to Lauren's generous tip from earlier on in the week, Camila was able to take the cab there without any troubles, and she was able to give the polite driver a very generous tip. She stood outside the house, which was rather out of place in the city, amongst the tall buildings. It was only about four floors tall, and it looked somewhat like a Victorian era mansion, in the middle of New York. Regardless of it's strange position, it was a rather nice house.

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