Chapter 1

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Bella's POV

Fucking Edward! How does he dare try and tell me what I can and cannot do. I survived 17 years before Edward Fucking Cullen, and I will damn sure survive a hell of a lot more years without him. Hell, I survived a psychopathic vampire attack on my life for fuck's sake. I think I just need to break up with him. I now see I was only fascinated with what he was, and not with him.

The only thing that works in his favor is that he has two kind brothers who I do adore, and two sisters who never seem to want to miss an opportunity to go shopping with me. The streets of Port Angeles were nearly deserted and for once I felt a bit bad for ditching Angela at the dress shop, since she was both my ride and now that I thought about it, itwasn't a good idea to walk alone in this neighborhood at this time of night.

There were a few frat boys drinking beer in the streets that seemed to notice me. "Hey baby, want to have a good time?" One of them shouted.

I ignored them and turned into an alley, hoping they would lose interest, but of course I wasn't that lucky and they soon followed me into the alley.

They soon surrounded me and pushed me against the wall. "What's wrong babe, don't you want to have a good time with us?"

Their breath stank of alcohol and I only saw one way out. I kneed one of them in the balls and ran like my life depended on it, which it kind of did. I didn't want to become a statistic in a rape chart, and as soon as I made it out of the alley I looked around for someone that could help me.

There was no one nearby, not even a store where I could go to, and soon enough they caught up to me. "You little bitch! We were willing to go easy on you, but now we are just going to fuck you up in ways you never imagined were possible, and afterwards we will just leave you here to die." The biggest one spat at me.

I didn't even have a chance to react before they pushed me to the ground and pushed my top up, two of them groping my breasts roughly, while another pulled my pants and underwear down.

I tried to kick them off, but the one that had pulled my pants down held my legs in place, making it impossible for me to move.

I couldn't contain my tears anymore, but before I could scream they ripped my panties off and stuffed them in my mouth to muffle my screams.

I really thought this was it, I was going to die here in Port Angeles, all alone and raped.

In the distance I saw two headlights rapidly coming closer, hoping against hope it would be my salvation.

The three men seemed to notice as well and sprung up, leaving me alone for now, and I took the opportunity to roll away and curl up against the nearest wall.

To my surprise Rosalie sprung from the car and was growling fiercely at the three men, her eyes pitch black. "You three have made a very big mistake. I will give you one chance to walk away before I rip your heads from your neck."

"You've got spunk, girl, I like that in a woman." One of them slurred drunkenly.

She growled and punched him in the stomach, the guy flying at least ten feet backwards.

This seemed to wake the other two up a bit, because they ran towards their friend and then ran away, clearly choosing life over the alternative at this point.

Rosalie then ran over to me and kneeled next to me. "Oh my god Bella, I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner, come let's get you into the car." She said softly as she pulled my top back down and did up my pants for me.

I looked at her with what I was sure were empty eyes and I couldn't answer her, just hiding my face into her neck as she picked me up and carried me to her car.

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