Chapter 10

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<<Mature content ahead>>

Bella's POV

In the few weeks after we had arrived in Alaska, we had managed to settle well enough, given everything that led us here.

Rose and I had gotten a room next to Alice and Jasper, and that certainly made things easier when it came to the preparations for our wedding, which surprisingly she wasn't

rushing us for.

Right now Alice and I were talking in her room, since Rosalie and Jasper had decided to go on one of their 'sibling trips'.

"So Bella, are you feeling the nerves already?" She asked with her ever present smile.

I smiled at her. "To be honest, no, I'm not feeling the nerves yet, but I think that is because I haven't seen the design for my dress yet. When I do it'll be a lot more real."

She smiled at that. "I have some sketches ready, but nothing set in stone just yet. Once I have something to show, you will be the first one to see it, but I think you will love it,

since you have made your wishes clear."

"I'm so happy you are willing to design a dress for me, because I don't even want to think about the trouble we would have had to go through shopping for a dress." I said with a

soft smile.

"I am honored to be able to design a dress for you, dear sister. I don't want to brag, but I like to believe that I know you almost as well as Rose does, so I know what you would

like in a dress." She said with a smile.

I smiled and hugged her. "I would want to say that you know me even better than Rose does. You always know exactly what I need, and while Rose is getting better at that, you

have known me and have been close to me longer than she has."

Alice smiled at that. "We all know Rose would have been all over you if it hadn't been for Dickward, and a vision I had just before we met you showed me that all of that shit could

have been avoided, no just what happened in Port Angeles, but the whole incident with James as well."

I smiled at her. "But would our family be as complete as it is now?"

"As a matter of fact, it would. Victoria and Laurent would still have met Tanya and Irina and Edward would still have met his end, since he would still have tried to rip you and

Rosalie apart, although I saw that Rose was the one to kill Edward. We wouldn't have seen the Volturi until years after you were turned, so I guess that seeing them this soon was

the only positive, since Renee has been nothing short of amazing in the last few weeks." She said with a smile.

"Don't remind me, it's almost like she is adamant to make up for lost time now that we have an eternity to spend together." I said with a slight pout.

Alice smiled at that. "You are so adorable when you pout like a five year old, but I rather think your mother wants to help with the wedding planning, since I think she never

thought she would be able to see you in a wedding dress."

I growled at her. "I am not adorable, and I certainly not when I pout."

She giggled and hugged me. "Yes you are, and I think Rose will agree with me on this one, but I'll drop it for now. Let's get back to planning. Have you thought about anything

else for your wedding?"

"Beside my dress, not really. It's all been a blur for the last few weeks. I guess I'm still adjusting to the mindset of a vampire." I said with a soft smile.

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