Chapter 3

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Rosalie's POV

A week later Bella and I were relaxing downstairs with the entire family, when there was a knock on the door, and to my surprise Emmett raced to the front, which could only mean one person.

"Who is that Rose? I've never seen Emmett so enthusiastic to open the door." Bella asked with a content sigh.

I smiled and kissed her neck softly. "I think Kate and her family have arrived, so we probably won't see Emmett and Kate for a few days."

She smiled and again relaxed against me. "That's fine, I could live without the teasing comments for a couple of days."

I smiled at that. "It'll be only for those few days, Kate is just as bad as he is. That's probably why they compliment each other so well."

Bella smiled at that. "I'll prepare myself accordingly, but I do wonder if the same thing applies to us. I mean, we have fallen together just as well."

"We should discuss that at a later time, when we are away from prying ears. Except for Carlisle, Esme and Alice nobody knows what happened to us, and I don't know about you,

but for the time being I would like to keep it that way." I said with a soft smile.

She nodded against me as I picked up a familiar scent, and judging by the growls from the rest of the family, they did too. "What's wrong baby?"

"Victoria and Laurent are here. I can't promise to keep it together when I see them." I said before I nuzzled my face in her hair and inhaled deeply.

Bella moaned softly and cuddled a bit more into me while I tightened my hold on her a little.

When our cousin entered the living room and I saw Tanya and Victoria hand in hand, and Irina with her hand in Laurent's I calmed down a bit, and Bella noticed it too.

"So it seems Edward was right. His former girlfriend really is Rosalie's mate." Tanya said with a smile.

"Yes, indeed it is true Tanya, but what interests me at this moment is why you brought the one other person who wanted her mate dead with you." Carlisle said with a soft growl.

Tanya held her free hand up and smiled at him. "That is quite easy to explain Carlisle. You see, after Laurent had warned you of James' intentions, he and Victoria came to us. It

was soon clear that Irina was mated to Laurent, and I was mated to Victoria. We knew you still believed that Victoria wanted Bella dead, so we decided to show you the opposite

after Edward passed through our territory and literally demanded from us to help him against you guys. His eyes were red and he looked as wild as I have ever seen him. So that

is exactly why we are here now. To show that you have nothing to fear from Victoria and that we will be by your side when the Volturi get here."

Carlisle shared a quick look with me and then smiled his usual warm smile at Tanya. "We're glad that you are willing to stand by our side for this, but I do think Bella would like

some words with both Victoria and Laurent."

Both of them smiled at him. "We understand, and we would like to do the same, mainly to apologize and tell our side of the story." Victoria said softly.

Before I could stop her, Bella stood in front of them. I must be really whipped if I don't even notice her leaving my arms.

"I'm willing to hear you out, but Rose and Alice will be present, and if I get any indication you are lying, it is done." She said rather matter of factly.

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