Chapter 6

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<<Mature Content ahead>>

Bella's POV

A few days later I woke up in our new bed in our cabin, nestled in the arms of the woman I loved more than anything in the world, and I couldn't hold back the moan as she

rubbed her thumbs over my bare back.

"Rose, stop it. You exhausted me last night." I muttered sleepily.

"I'm sorry love, but I can hear Esme outside. She has some news for us." Rosalie said softly.

I groaned and kissed her softly. "Fine, I'll go and get dressed if it's Mom. But I will be going back to sleep at some point during the day."

She just smiled at me as I rolled out of bed to take care of some human business, and still after two full days enjoying our home together, I still couldn't get over the grandeur, but

also simplicity of our wonderful cabin, even the bathroom was nothing less than gorgeous.

As I got dressed I got an idea. Rose said we would be going somewhere today, and I had this fantasy of making love to her in our car, and since we purchased a few strap-on

dildos and double ended dildo's yesterday, I quickly slid one of the double ended ones into my pussy and pulled up my pants, hoping she wouldn't see it just yet, and more

importantly, that Esme wouldn't see. After my blush over the situation faded a little, I followed the smell of fresh toast and bacon to the kitchen, and I wasn't even surprised when

I found Esme with her apron on cooking up breakfast for me.

"Good morning sweetie. I hope you slept okay?" Esme asked with a smile.

I gave her a hug before I took my seat. "I did, although Rose kept me up for most of the night."

To my surprise Esme frowned at Rosalie. "Really Rosalie? You know humans need plenty of sleep to function properly."

Rosalie glared at me a little, although I could see there was no heat behind it. "In my own defense, Bella wanted to talk for most of the night, so I'm not the only one to blame."

Esme smiled and flashed me a quick wink. "Yes you are. It is your responsibility to make sure she sleeps enough. Did you at least make sure she has eaten properly over the last

few days?"

Rosalie rolled her eyes at that. "Of course I did. It is not like we spent the entire time having sex. We mostly talked."

Esme smiled at that. "That's good to hear sweetie. You know I was merely teasing you, but I have come with a message. We received another call, and apparently Edward has

become quite the handful over the last few days, so Aro has asked us if we could come earlier, so we were hoping you girls were okay with that."

Rose and I shared a look and smiled at her. "Of course we are. The sooner we are done with this, the better it will be for everyone. I just want to live my life with my mate the

way we want to live it." I said softly.

They both smiled at that. "That's great to hear sweetheart. We'll be waiting for you two. Our jet is scheduled to leave in three hours, so we'll be waiting for you."

"Sure Mom, and thank you for breakfast." I said before giving her another hug.

"Anytime Bella. I'll see you two soon." She said before kissing the top of my head and blurring out of the door, leaving her apron behind."

I quickly ate under the loving gaze of Rose, and I couldn't fight the blush that spread over my cheeks.

"Are you okay Isabella. It's not like you to blush over nothing." Rosalie asked with a smile.

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