Chapter 4

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Rosalie's POV

In the two days following our date, Bella and I have become absolutely inseparable, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I have always been a bit of a selfish person, I believed

what was mine was actually mine and no one better try and fuck with what was mine, because there would be consequences.

Now couple that with six mated couples in one house and my own mate who wants to get to know her new extended family and me having to split my time with her. I was back to

my bitchy self towards the rest of the family, just Bella now deserved my more vulnerable side.

Right now Alice, Bella, Kate, Irina and I were shopping in Seattle, looking for something to wear for Bella's birthday party tomorrow, and since Hurricane Alice had taken my mate

with her, I was left with Kate and Irina, which I didn't really mind since their personalities meshed with mine pretty well.

We mostly ignored the lustful looks most men sent our way as we walked through the mall, and I could only feel for Bella, who was most likely kicking herself for agreeing to go

with Alice alone. "You have the look of a woman who regrets letting her mate go with her best friend." Kate said with a slight smirk. I knew she always loved to take a stab at

anyone who had a certain look on their face.

"When that best friend is called Alice, I can only feel for her. Alice will want to squeeze her into an either obscenely short or way too revealing dress, and I don't know if I can hold

myself back when I see her in either of those dresses, and I refuse to embarrass myself or my mate in front of the rest of the family by outright staring at her." I said as we

walked into our fourth store.

They smiled at that. "No one will fault you for wanting your mate Rose, and even though your mate is human, it is easy to see that she feels the pull as well. But I think Alice

would not choose to provoke you if she doesn't have to. The pixie has pretty good survival instincts." Irina said with a smirk.

"That she does, so I hope she remembers that when throwing clothes at Bella as if they are on fire." I said with a smile.

Kate grinned at that. "You know Rose, I could give her a hand as well." She said way too innocently.

I growled softly at her. "No Kate, you are not helping Alice with that. You won't be able to keep your comments to yourself and Bella feels awkward enough as it is. I don't need

you to add to that."

She smiled at that. "I was only kidding Rose, jeez, you don't need to get all possessive on me."

"I can't help but feel possessive of her, I don't want to push her into anything, but my beast rattles in his cage every night when she cuddles up to me and clings to me like a koala

to a tree."

Irina gave me a very rare sincere smile. "Perhaps you two should have a talk about that soon. I'm sure if you do that she will be open to more. Even I can see she wants it, given

how much time she spends staring at either your ass or boobs."

"She does that an awful lot, doesn't she. I can't help but indulge her with that. Perhaps she is ready for something more. I'll talk to her tonight, and I want to ask you two to make

sure everyone in cleared out once I get that chance."

They both nodded and smiled at that. "I'm sure no one in our family would want to make Bella feel more embarrassed than she already is, since I'm sure she knows that everyone

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