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Macaque's behavior is all because of me. I felt the urge to just go back to flower fruit mountain and forget all of this and wait until it catches up with me like I always do. I start to stand to leave when I remember MK and how hurt he was by Macaque... all because of me. I don't want MK to be hurt anymore so I guess I will own up to my mistakes. That felt gross to even think. I pick up Macaque's scarf and smell it. It didn't smell like him at all it smelt like me. I must have put a spell on it so the scarf wouldn't lose my smell. I look down at the letters that were spilled all over the floor. Each one was in different handwriting and a little peach drawing that I used to do all the time when I was younger and still do every now and then. I started to read the letters which were more like making out some of the writing and the first few were friendly and sweet. I really was close to him, wasn't I? As I kept reading the letters changed, when I say change I mean I was telling people to write very dirty things to him. About how when I see him again I was going to tie him up and play with him however I wanted the whole night. How I was going to let him use his pretty mouth to suck me off and make him say thank you after he swallowed my cum. I think me and him had a closer relationship than I thought. As I continued reading the letters I was a blushing mess. It sure did sound like something I would say when I was younger.

I noticed just how attached Mac... Mac? Since when did I call him Mac? Whatever. I noticed just how attached MACAQUE must have been to me and maybe I was that attached to him? What changed though? I remember the argument over my master, did I forget about Mac, did I actually abandon him? I need to figure this out. I lay down on the ground trying to think of ways to figure out how to regain my memories. I remember back then I would journal about everything I did and it turned into a rant journal and just everything about myself so maybe one of those would have the answer. I only wrote those so people could get my stories right. I walk out of the now abandoned dojo and jump onto my cloud to go back home. As I flew away I saw the sun rising, MK will be waking up soon so I need to hurry.

I got to flower fruit mountain and found a still sleeping MK which was to be expected honestly. I walk into my room and start digging through my closet to find those old journals. When I laid eyes on the box that said Journals I was stocked. I opened them up and then noticed I don't know how to write. I opened up the first journal which was from when I was a little kid and it was only drawings of what I did with no context. I was very talented at drawing though so it was fine. I started to flip through the pages like crazy until I saw a drawing of Mac. Next to it was his handprint from when I first met him. As I kept going I noticed the only things I wrote about were Mac and I would only do stuff if Mac would also. I skipped a couple of journals until I got to the ones where I met the Master and the whole Journey to the West. I noticed I would draw about people sending letters to Mac and how much he was on my mind. I also noticed I extracted my victories a lot and never wrote about anything I would lose. I got to a page that started to talk about me fighting with Mac over me leaving him behind and how he couldn't see I was just doing what I wanted. That was the issue though, now that I don't remember this I can get an outside look at it and I was being a jerk to Mac. I even said that I no longer needed him so he could leave me alone. I wrote about how obsessed he was with me even though I was equally obsessed with him.

After that, I never motioned Mac until the next journal which looked charred and flimsy like it was read so many times. It started out talking about missing Mac and feeling guilty about what I told him. That soon changed after I decided I was better off without him. That isn't true I think as if my memories were coming back. Then it started to talk about Mac attacking my Master and me saving my Master. It was an intense fight and these pages were ripped and you could see where someone had flipped the corner of these pages re-reading it way too many times. It then stated I went back to finish Mac. I turned the page to see torn-out pages and then blank. That was the end of the story. I buy the journal with the rest and just look at the stack of them. I was awful.

There was a knock at my door so I went over and opened it. Mk was awake and asking for me to give him a ride back to Pigsy.

"Yeah no sorry, bud but I'm a little busy today with something... important that you don't need to know," I said. MK looked at me in disbelief.

"Ah no, you cheated on me so you don't get to be mad at me for a long time since I had to save your ass," I said while turning my back to him. I heard him sigh and say back before leaving. Once I knew he was for sure gone I made three clones. I sent each to a temple that would have a spell book that could help me figure out how to get back my memory. If any place would have something like that it would be one of those three temples. I watch my clones disappear into the distance. Now, what to do? I could look for a Mac but that won't matter if I can't apologize. An apology would be pointless if I don't know what I did. I look back over to the journal stack. I have a pretty good idea of what I did though. I looked at the time and it was now ten in the morning. I didn't sleep at all last night so what better time than now? 

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