I'm so Sorry

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I wake up to one of my clones pushing me off my bed and laughing at me. I noticed a scroll in his hand and quickly made him vanish and grabbed the scroll. The texture of the paper was just as old feeling as the scroll looked. I opened it to see an extra piece of paper stuck into the scroll. I looked at it and then I passed out. I was now stuck in the universe. I looked around as I just floated in this space. Eventually, I turned and saw a glittery goddess looking at me disappointed.

"Wukong, I told you that you would regret getting rid of your memory of Macaque one day," She said, shaking her head.

"Well, it wasn't an issue until he rose from the dead," I huffed. She was clearly not happy with me.

"Since you're here I'm going to assume you want your memory back but to do so you will have to relive the thing that made you want to get rid of it in the first place," she waited for my approval before doing anything but I want to know why I wanted my memory erased before I had to relive it.

"What did I do to Macaque that made me want to ease him from my memory? It was like I was trying to live like he never existed," I said. She stared at me with sorrow-filled eyes.

"It would be better for me to tell you. When I took your memories I had to view all of them and truthfully it was the most painful thing I have ever seen to this day. Wukong you killed Macaque mercilessly. You held nothing back on him but that's all I'm saying because I want you to feel the qu8ilt again. I want you to suffer just as much as he did," she said. I went to ask her exactly how bad I was but she raised her hand and disappeared which sent me into a spiral and before I knew it I was looking at my old self talking to my master.

I looked pissed and was screaming at everyone around me. I was totally lost in my anger. I was scared to approach myself when I noticed they can't see me because I'm just viewing a memory. I walked up to myself so I could hear what I was saying.

"That bastard, I should have killed him when I told him I no longer needed him," I was yelling. My Master was scared and was saying that I needed to calm down. I didn't listen. He started to give me one of those painful headaches. I was in shock when I noticed I was so enraged that even that didn't affect me. I reached towards my head as I watched it glow on my younger self and my master screaming the chant as loud as he could to make me listen.

"Macaque is so dead," I said before I zoomed away. Out of nowhere I was back in a Spiral and then it stopped and I was back in the mountains far from my Master. I looked around and saw a crying Macaque who was badly injured.

"I did everything he asked," he said, "Do I really mean nothing to him? Did everything mean nothing to him?" Watching Macaque be in such a fragile state was shocking. I always assumed he had himself together and never imagined him like this. I saw the gold strike of myself on the horizon. Macaque turned around.

"I can still fix this, I will apologize and tell him I won't ever mess with him or anyone he knows again," he looked at his hand where I saw a promise ring. Did I give him a promise ring? Was I going to mate with him? I was going to do that but instead left him behind for someone else and then murdered him. My younger self was soon standing next to Macaque who served at my furious look. He went to say something but I just punched him which sent him flying through multiple trees. He stood back up and went to talk again but I was already there beating the shit out of him. I then paused.

"Wukong, I'm sorry, please stop," He said. I saw my facial expression soften.

"Macaque what the hell is wrong with you?" I asked.

"Peaches I promise I won't," he stopped talking because of the disgusted expression on my face.

"Don't ever call me that again," I said.

"Yeah, of course, it's not like I mean anything to you anymore," He responded while throwing the ring into the forest where it would never be found. I saw myself look in shock at the action, my eyes showed regret and sorrow but I knew that didn't stop what was going to happen.

"I'm sorry, I get the point now okay," he said as he started to walk away from me. I followed him and grabbed his arm and yanked him to face me.

"I'm your king and I wasn't done talking to you," I said in a demanding voice. Macaque was in shock before he yanked his arm from my grip.

"You were never my king. I never bowed down to you," he stated as he got in my face. I had a bad gut feeling that it was about to become a bloody scene but not my blood.

"You sure seemed to worship me when you were on your hands and knees with my dick in your," before I could finish Macaque punched me in my face sending me tumbling backward.

"You disgusting pervert, don't speak of me like that. If you want to play that game who was the one sending letters to me, who was the one who -promised to be by my side for eternity, who was the one to let me fuck his mouth with my cock. You were down bad Peach," before Macaque could finish I grabbed him by his collar and punched him in the face. He looked at me with so much hatred that it hurt to see.

"You promised me everything... what was I expecting though," he laughed as I just stared at him daring him to go on, " You're Wukong, you don't need anyone, and your a backstabbing, trickster, who is a little bitch for his powerless wuss Master," He said. When I punched him he laughed and a fight broke loose. It was completely one-sided and Macaque was fighting for his life. I took out a mountain range and destroyed the whole forest surrounding us. Soon enough I slammed Macaque to the ground and was hitting him over and over with my staff. He was clawing at my arms, his limbs were flying everywhere. I could hear him begging and screaming in pain. I just sat over him smiling like a maniac. Soon he stopped trying to... live. His body would bounce with every blow I sent to his head with my staff. Soon I stopped and stood up towering over Macaque. My whole body was dripping in blood. A pool of blood formed next to Macaque's head. The worst part was Macaque was still alive. The whole left side of his face was nonexistent. I started to walk away and Macaque reached for me.

"Don't leave me alone to die, '' he begged. I looked back at him and chuckled.

"Pathetic, what did I ever see in you?" I said before flying away. I was left there in the memory watching Macaque cry as the rain started to pour down on him but he couldn't move. He was dying all alone. I remember the 5 years I spent under the mountain and how awful I felt but I wasn't going to die alone, macaque was though. I walked over to his body and watched him say with his last breath, "I'm sorry peaches, I'm sorry I wasn't good enough and you liked your Master more, I hope you can still get it up to that prick," he laughed and died. I fell to my knees but was confused why I was still there. I looked up and saw my younger self on top of a few trees staring at what I just did in shock. Out of nowhere I screamed and started to cry.

"I... I didn't mean to Plum. I'm so sorry. Please someone bring him back to me. I'll do better. I'll be better. Please, please... anyone," I said between sobs as I walked over to his dead body and cradled it in my arms.

"I wanted a life with you Plum. You were enough. I just caught up with him. I should have done better by you." I stayed there sobbing until my Master and everyone found me and dragged me off of Macaque's lifeless body.

I jerked back awake and was in my room again. I remember everything. I remember making the scarf for Macaque as a courting gift. I remember doing everything I could to win him over. I remember stealing and pulling pranks on Gods with him. I was immortal and he could have easily been killed but he still went with me knowing that. Everything came back. All the time we watched the stars, every night I spent with him, every time I talked to my Master about how in love I was and how I and my Plum were going to have a family of our own little monkeys one day. I touched my face and felt tears on my face. I had done something awful to Mac and in return, I chose to forget him instead of living with that guilt.

"I still love you, Mac," I said out loud as I sat on the floor. 

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