Tails Gets Trolled x Female!Depressed!Reader

908 7 6

Title: Two Talentless, But Creative Rappers

Requested by revengedhenry from Wattpad

Reader Info

Y/n - Your Name

L/n - Last Name

E/c - Eye Color

H/c - Hair Color

F/c - Favorite Color

FNF Mod: Tails Get Trolled - FNF Mod

A/n: Y/n L/n gets depressed from the people around him/her with their constant bullying and making them think that they can't do anything right or being as creative and talented as them, especially the very rude and obnoxious power couple, Troll Boyfriend and Troll Girlfriend. So now, they are all alone by themselves sitting on a bench at the local park until a talentless kitsune fox by the name of Tails comes in to cheer him/her up with a little rap battle to prove everyone that they can be can just as creative and talented as they are, whatever it takes to gain the respect they both wanted in their talented lives.

Location: Somewhere in MemesVille City at a local park

Date: March 19, 2007

Time: 1:23 PM


On a typical normal day here in MemesVille City, there was once a young talentless and uncreative teenage boy/girl with H/c hair and a pair of E/c in a F/c long-sleeve T-shirt is sitting on a bench at local park while being stuck under a state of the deepest, darkest pits of depression after she/he have recieved a near endless amounts of rude and cruel insults and constant bullying from all of the people in the city that were making fun of her lack of talent and creativity while they keeping telling him/her that they will never do anything right to prove themselves that they are just as creative and talented as everyone else here in MemesVille City.

Not to mention that the two infamous rude and obnoxious trolling power couple by the name of Troll BF and Troll GF that always force everyone around them, mostly Y/n to have a rap battle with Troll BF to show off his rapping skills while humilating them at the same time. These two internet rapping trolls are one of the worst of the worst of all the internet trolls in existence with a lot less remorse and kindness and a lot more cruel and mean behavior.

All of this consstant bullying along with Troll BF and Troll GF forcing Y/n to rap battle them almost every day to make fun and humilate him/her, they ran away from them as fast as Sonic the hedgehog himself to get away from them as far away as possible. Which leads to them sitting on a bench all alone by themselves at a local park that is located somewhere in MemesVille City to calm down from all the stress he/she had throughout half of the day today.

Y/n: Why is that every day of my entire life that I always get bullied by everyone around me saying that I'm completely uncreative and talentless while I get out-rapped by a blue-balled bastard with his sick beats and his very rude and egotistical Troll Girlfriend? I feel like I'm the only talentless human in this world that never get the chance to prove myself. Is there nothing around here that will help me prove them wrong that I can be just as both creative and talented as they are.

???: You and me both, buddy. You're not the only one with the problem of being talentless in this universe.

Y/n then turned his/her head to see a yellow male kitsune fox with a goofy look on his face that is carryong a microphone in his hand as if he is challenging Y/n to another rapper that he/she is clearly not in the mood for at the moment right now since he/she is currently under a deep state of depression from all of that constant bullying by everyone including, Troll BF and Troll GF in MemesVille City. What could a talentless kitsune fox like Tails be doing here at this part of the oneshot and at this time of year, at this time of day and this part of the country, localized entirely with this talentless and uncreative human boy/girl sitting on a park bench feeling emotionally depressed right now? Has he come to rub more hatred and cruelity on his/her face like every troll in the city or has come here to cheer up like a nice and totally kind person to share the pain and suffering he had endured over the years in his own internet meme-like comic series, "Tails Gets Trolled".

If he has come here to cheer him/her up in this oneshot with a rap battle like the title suggested for this oneshot. No F***ing S*** that he is going treat her like yesterday's garbage like all of the other people in the made-up OC city that I came up with that is meme-related, this is my oneshot that I'm writing for a friend of mine and I'm not gonna let Tails do horrible things to the reader and that's final.

And for the record, I love Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog as well as the Tails Doll. So don't judge me for my own choice of favoritism with your hate crimes. No offense though, I just want everyone to enjoy a good oneshot for once in a lifetime for the sake of creativity. This is a meme-realted kind of oneshot, so what are the odds of combinng a meme and a x reader oneshot into one?

Y/n: Who are you and what do you want? Come here to rub your talent and creativity in my face?

Tails: Not really. I'm just here to cheer you up with a little rap battle and not just any rap battle, a fair rap battle. No tricks or strings attached. I saw what those people are doing to you to make feel bad about yourself, so I thought come all the way here to find you and give you a fair rap battle to help you get over with your depression. Does that sound okay with you?

Y/n: Hmmm. Okay then. It's beats being tormented by those two rude and obnoxious rapoing power couple that are way more, worse than everyone else in MemesVille City.

Tails: You're telling me. I hate those guys! They think they can just come at me with those ugly-looking faces and their obssessive internet troll-like rapping to make fun of my talentless nature. Those guys suck.

Y/n: They can suck on Deez Nutz!

Tails: Ooooh nice one, Bruh! You ready to get this show on the road?

Y/n: If it makes this oneshot any more interesting like the other oneshots in this Friday Night Funkin' Oneshot Book, then yeah, let's do it!

Song Plays - Talentless Fox - Tails Gets Trolled - Friday Night Funkin' Mod

After they both successfully managed to have a fair rap battle together, Y/n finally got over his/her depression, which made Tails very happy that Y/n is very happy as much as he is, which proves that there is more talent within them that meets the eye. Unaware that a couple of very familair looking shadows were watching behind the bushes while snicker to see how stupid they were during their rap battle.

Troll BF: Hah! Those two talentless bozos think they can outrap us with that kind of skill, they are definitely no match for the both of us!

Troll GF: Yeah! Let's make fun of both of them like we do everyday to everyone we meet.

Troll BF: Sounds like a good idea to me...

Tails: You guys know that the reader and both of us can see what you two are saying in this oneshot.

Y/n: Yeah. Not really the smartest idea to face your enemies like that. We may be talentless rappers, but we're both Talentless, but Creative Rappers. So your rude and cruel trolling is not gonna stop us when we both take upon ourselves to prove ourselves that we're just as talented and creative as everyone else.

Troll GF: GOD! This oneshot is F***ing retarded!

Author-Chan: And So are you and your Fugly Troll BF!


Y/n: Nice one, Author-Chan!

Tails: Yeah! Way to out troll those two retards!

Author-Chan: It's no big deal. Let's end this oneshot with a reaaly good and very satisfying ending, shall we?

Y/n & Tails: Yes, please!

And so, the two of them head out into the sunset for a grand adventure of a lifetime with their own brand of friendship together with their new creative talents. As for Troll BF and Troll GF, well let's just say that....I don't even care about what happens to the both them. This the end of the oneshot and that is final. No exceptions. Those two annoying trolls of the real kind and lovable Boyfriend and Girlfriend are the worst and should be arrested for there constant trolling and hate crimes.


THE END (literally)

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