Sunky.MPEG x Motherly!Female!Reader

990 15 4

Title: Milk and Cookies

Requested by 808MissCrazy808

Reader Info

Y/n - Your Name

L/n - Last Name

E/c - Eye Color

H/c - Hair Color

F/c - Favorite Color

F/cb - Favorite Cereal Brand

A/n: While Y/n L/n is doing some weekly grocery shopping at the local grocery store in Creation City called Dollar Store Universe, she spots a young blue hedgehog that attempting to reach and grab a box of cereal from a very high shelf. She helps the cute little blue hedgehog out and asked where he is parents were, but answers no that he has no parents and Y/n decides to take him home with her to take care of him as her own child.

FNF Mod: Vs. Sonic.exe + Vs. Sunky.MPEG the FNF Mod - Friday Night Funkin' Mods

Location: The Dollar Store Universe - Creation City

Date: April 4, 2010

Time: 10:32 AM


One beautiful morning at the local grocery store known as the Dollar Store Universe in Creation City, a local young female adult with the H/c hair and a pair of E/c eyes named Y/n L/n is doing her usual weekly grocery shopping at the Dollar Store Universe such as a carton eggs, a gallon of milk, a carton of orange juice, some fresh produce of fruits and veggies, some meat products, coffee, pasta and of course a box of cereal to help her get through the day in her life for a complete breakfast of a bowl of ceral with milk with a cup of coffee or orange juice and maybe an apple or a juicy orange.

She has gotten everything she needed from her grocery shopping list except for a box of her favorite cereal, F/cb as she heads over to the ceral aisle to grab a box until she spotted something out of the ordinary as she spotted a small blue hedgehog with red eyes that looks like he's been drawn in a children's drawing and he seems to having some trouble trying to reach a box of the same brand of her favorite cereal, even while she's standing on her tippy-toes.

She felt bad for the blue hedgehog trying his best to grab a box of cereal, so went over to him to help him out since everyone needs a bowl of cereal for breakfast every now and then.

Y/n: Hey there, little guy. Need a little help getting that cereal box?

Sunky: Yes, please, ma'am. I'm so small, I can't even reach for this box of one of my favorite cereals.

Y/n: Sure thing, little one.

Then she grabbed the box of cereal and gave it to the cute, little blue hedgehog as he grabbed the box of his favorite cereals and holds it with both arms, which Y/n finds it very cute to see the little blue hedgehog to hold a box of cereal like that.

Sunky: Thank you, ma'am.

Y/n: You are quite welcome, little one, but, um, where are your parents? Are they around somewhere at the store?

Sunky: I don't have any parents. No one around here doesn't seem to want to take care of me.

Y/n: Oh m, I'm so sorry to hear that, little one. What's your name, little hedgehog?

Sunky: My name is Sunky the hedgehog.

Y/n: Well, Sunky, would you like for me to take you back home with me so I can take care of you? 

Sunky: Sure. I would love that. Can I have some cereal when we get to your home?

Y/n: Sure. If that's what you like to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then that's fine with me. Are you ready, Sunky?

Sunky: Yes, ma'am.

So then, Y/n and Sunky went into the checkout area to purchase the groceries and Y/n took Sunky into his new home at Y/n's House in Uptown Creation City. When they arrived and Y/n putting up the groceries with Sunky helping her out, she pulled out a bowl of cereal with some milk for Sunky and a spoon for him to eat as the little blue hedgehog sat at the dining room table and starting eating his bowl of cereal and Y/n joining in with her own bowl of F/cb cereal.

Then Sunky began talking to Y/n about where he came from as well as his favorite games and his love for cereal and milk. Y/n was happy to listen into his conversation until she realized that its already getting late already and was surprised how time flies when you're having fun today, especially with a cute and adorable little hedgehog like Sunky.

So she took Sunky over to the guest bedroom at her home and tucked him into bed, but before asking him if he wanted her to read him a bedtime story to help him get to sleep.

Y/n: Hey, Sunky? Do you want me to read you a bedtime story to help you get to sleep?

Sunky: Yes. I would like for you to read me a bedtime story. Any story is fine with me, as long as it's not scary or anything that will give me nightmares.

Y/n: Alright. I think I have a story book that my parents used to read to me when I was a small child like you.

So Y/n grabbed her favorite story book from the bookshelf that her parents used to read to her back from her childhood as she began reading the pages of the book to Sunky until he fell asleep.

Then as Sunky is sleeping peacefully in the guest bedroom bed, Y/n gave Sunky a kiss on the forehead and a few pats on the head like any caring mother would do to her own child and left the room while turning on some soothing peaceful lullaby music from her Portable CD boombox.

With that, Y/n promised herself that she will do whatever she can to take care of Sunky like he is her own child as she planned to sign some adoption papers, first thing tomorrow morning to give Sunky a happy life that he deserves.

2 Months Later since she adopted Sunky as her own son, the two of them are sitting on a bench at the local park in Creation City to enjoy the beautiful sunny morning.

But then, Sunky tugged on Y/n's sleeve to get her attention because he wanted to ask Y/n a question that he's been holding onto since they day they both met at the grocery store and Y/n taking him into her home to adopt him as her own son. In fact, he even accidently almost called Y/n, "Mom", which is why it was time for the little blue hedgehog to confess to his surrogate mother.

Y/n: What is it, Sunky? Do you have a question?

Sunky: Yes. I wanted to ask you something that I've been holding onto for a really long time.

Y/n: Sure, what is it?

Sunky: Well, do you mind if I call you, mom?

Y/n was shocked to hear that from Sunky since she did took him into her home like the son she always wanted to have by her side, so she gently hugged the blue hedgehog as a way of saying "Yes" to his to question to call him, "mom".

Y/n: Of course, you can call me, mom, son. I took you into my home and I promised to myself that I would treat you with so much love and respect like the son that I always wanted. And that's why I will always love you no what.

Sunky was so happy to hear that Y/n accept him as his own son as he hugged her back while nuzzling her chest affectionally, knowing that the two of them will be happy together as mother and son.

Sunky: I love you too, mommy.


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