Psycho Tails x Female!Newborn!Child!Reader

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Title: Crazy Foxy Daddy

Requested by Bianca wachowski

Reader Info

Y/n - Your Name

L/n - Last Name

E/c - Eye Color

H/c - Hair Color

F/c - Favorite Color

FNF Mod: Secret Histories FNF Mod

Based on: MASHED - The Secret Histories Series

A/n: After Psycho Tails rescued a young little newborn named Y/n L/n from her real parents that were planning to get rid of the child, he took upon himself to raise the child as his own and will do everything in his power to protect Y/n from anyone that dares try to take her away from him, even if it means by killing anyone with his various methods of murder and torture to get the job done.

Location: Psycho Tail's Hanger Hideout - Spirit Town

Date: May 18, 2014

Time: 8:45 PM


One night here in the old abandoned and deserted town known as Spirit Town at Psycho Tails' secret hanger hideout, where no even the police to locate where the crazy two tailed fox is hiding at that was causing all the murders around the streets of Creation City, all because he was trying to find the real "Sonic" after Sonic the hedgehog himself yelled at him that he will never be "best friends" with him that made him snap and started kidnapping innocent people and mobians to see if one of them was the real Sonic.

Right now, Psycho Tails in his normal Tails disguise is currently busy sitting on a rocking chair with a newborn child in his arms as he is feeding the baby girl with a bottle of baby formula.

You see, Psycho Tails actually rescued the young baby girl that he named Y/n L/n from a couple with a very toxic relationship after he found out that the father got the mother pregnant with her when they had a fun night together and he forgot to use a condom that night. So they had to get rid of the child becuase they never wanted to have babies together in their whole lives.

So then, after Psycho Tails managed to save the child from certain death, he decided to get back at the couple by rigging their vehicle with an explosion along with cutting the breaks off that will teach them a lesson for trying to kill an innocent newborn child like Y/n.

Without anyone else that will take care of the baby, he decided to take care of the child himself and raise it as his own, which made him happy to raise a human baby girl like Y/n for him to love and will do whatever he can do to protect her from any danger that will try to harm her.

Psycho Tails: Do not worry, my little "Sonic", I promise that no harm will come to you as long as daddy takes good care of you with lots of love.

Since that Psycho Tails has been taking good care of Y/n, the baby has already see him as her real father and she doesn't seem to mind of whatever Psycho Tails does to his victims when he is trying to find his best friend. Also, whenever Psycho Tails is busy with something from both inside and outside of his hanger hideout, he would ask his partner, Crazy Amy to watch Y/n over until he is finished with his job, which she agreed to babysit Y/n for awhile and she is more than happy to take care of the baby like a caring mother that shall be and Y/n has already see her as her own mother.

Crazy Amy really enjoyed spending time with her daughter as she likes to feed her with some homemade chili dog baby food and a bottle of her own breast milk after Psycho Tails did some plastic surgery onto Amy that included some breasts implants as a way to get Sonic to like her as his dream girl with a pair of hedgehog breasts that's a few cups bigger than the ones she had before the surgery.

She would even play with Y/n with some nice and safe baby toys and her favorite Sonic plushie that she made back in her own world, turn on some kid's cartoons on the TV and she would even read some bedtime stories to Y/n to help her get to sleep.

Psycho Tails has never been this happy since the day he became Sonic's partner and best friend after he was hired by Sega Corporation until the incidents happen that drove the psychotic fox insane. He is definetely proven himself worthy as a great father to Y/n, when suddenly the newborn child said it's very first word that made the crazy fox's heart melt out of pure joy.

Y/n: Da-da!

Psycho Tails: *Gasps* Y/n! You just said your first word! Can you say da-da again?

Y/n: Da-da!

Psycho Tails: Oh my gosh, I can't believe my little baby girl called me her daddy. Hey, Amy! Come over here!

Crazy Amy: *Walks In* What is it, Tails? Did you find our Sonic, yet?

Psycho Tails: Nope, but I have better news for you, Y/n just said her very first word.

Crazy Amy: *Gasps* Really?! Can she say ma-ma to me?

Y/n: Ma-ma!

Crazy Amy: *Squeals* She called me, Mama! This is the happiest night of my life!

Psycho Tails: Same here, Amy! I think we're gonna be great parents together to take good care of our daughter.

Crazy Amy: As do I. We're gonna be a happy family together.

So then, Psycho Tails and Crazy Amy have been taking very good care of their daughter, Y/n for a really long time until years later when Y/n grew to the age of adulthood and have been following in her parents footsteps to aid them in their mission to find her "Uncle Sonic" as she is about to torture her first victim to death to see if he is the real Sonic.

???: You're too Sloooooww...

Y/n: We can't hear yooooouu!!

???: You're Too Slooooowww!!!!

Then the three of them came out of the shadows with Y/n holding her father's torture device as the daughter of both Psycho Tails and Crazy Amy.

Y/n: C'mon Uncle Sonic! Do it! Do it for mommy and daddy!

*Click! Whirrrrrrrrrr!!!!*

Y/n: *Laughs out of insanity*

Victim: No! No! Please! You're too slow! You're too slow! You're too slooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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