[Chapter. 14]

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TW// Alc0h0l, Dr!nk!ng

Tommy was in his room for the whole week, being all depressed and curled up in his bunny blanket. Calling Purpled every now and then, wondering when he'll meet him again.

"OH TOMMYYYY!" Tubbo yelled, knocking- Banging- on the door of Tommy's room. "GUESS WHAT I BOUGHT!"

"Come innn" Tommy whined.

Tubbo came into the room and jumped onto my bed, Ranboo- Tubbo's four year boyfriend- following close behind. Tubbo shoved a box of donuts in front of Tommy's face.

"Your favorite. The uh- pink ones." Ranboo said. Tommy stared at the box before snatching it and opening it.

"Who let you in?" Tommy asked.

"Rue. Rue our beloved." Ranboo replied. Tommy just hummed. "Sooo- miss your boyfriend?"

"What does it look like, dumbass?" Tommy spat, grabbing a donut.

"Tommy!" Tubbo hissed. "Don't talk to Ranboo like that."

"Sorry." Tommy said, rolling his eyes. "Though it is true." He mumbled, receiving a smack on the back of his head.


"Anyways, wanna go and do something rather than sitting on your bed?" Ranboo asked.

"No. I wanna sit here and cry." Tommy said, mouth stuffed with his donut. Ranboo pulled him into a hug.

"Don't. I bet he misses you more."

Tommy whined into Ranboo's chest, Ranboo giving him assuring pats on the back.

A few minutes of comforting Tommy later, Tubbo noticed something that Ranboo didn't.

"Dude, on the serious side, you smell like alcohol- are you okay?" Tubbo asked, cringing at the smell. Ranboo looked at Tommy.

"I meannn- no? Maybe?- But just a little bit!" Tommy said, pulling away from Ranboo.

Tubbo gave him a look and got up, walking over to Tommy's closet. He opened the door to many bottles of alcohol scattered around in there.

"Tommy... this isn't healthy you know?" Tommy looked away. Tubbo huffed and turned his head. "RUE!" Tubbo called.


"Did you call me?" Rue asked, walking in. Tubbo held up a bottle for Rue to see and Tommy swallowed hard. She glared at Tommy.

"What did I say about alcohol?"

"Not to drink it-" Tommy mumbled. "But it's only a bit!"

"There are at least seven bottles in here! Drinking alcohol like water isn't healthy!" She yelled.

"Okay! I won't do it again! Sorry!"

"What would Purpled say if he saw you drinking like this?" Ranboo asked. "I bet he wouldn't be very happy."

Tommy whined and got up to clean it.

"Please don't tell Purpled." Tommy pleaded.

"If this continues, we will." Tubbo said. He kneeled down to help Tommy, Ranboo joining.

- - - - - -

"You know Tommy, how about you send Purpled a gift now? You've sent him the playlist, but nothing else?" Ranboo suggested.

Tommy's eyes widened.

"Oh yeah-"

- - - - - -

Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo strolled through the streets, looking around for a bit. They bought an expensive gold necklace and a sweatshirt that Ranboo insisted on buying because it had Garfield on it (Ranboo's obsession with Garfield was a health concern but Tubbo said that it was normal)- and it was purple, so why wouldn't Purpled like it?

Tommy gave in because he'd seen Purpled watch Garfield on a TV and enjoy it but Garfield on a sweatshirt?

He got Purpled a size large because he liked baggy clothes and tight clothes, he'd never seen Purpled wear anything in between baggy and tight.

Tubbo helped Tommy pack it and send it. (They packed it in a cafe.)

"Do you think he'll like it?" Tommy asked.

He placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder, rubbing it comfortingly.

"He'll love it." Tubbo assured. "Don't worry."

- - - - - -

Purpled got something in the mail. A white package, packed securely. He assumed it was Tommy because of the slight stick-men doodles on the sides of the box. He giggled and opened it.

There was a sweatshirt inside of a plastic bag. He gasped when he noticed that it was Garfield.

'No fucking way-' He laughed and pulled off his hoodie to wear the sweatshirt. He noticed that it was pretty large because it fully covered his thighs. He smiled that Tommy noticed. He dug through the box and found a beautiful fuzzy box and opened it. It had a thin piece of foam covering something yellow underneath. He gasped.

It was a gold necklace. It had a pendant on it but he couldn't make out what the pendant was but it was gorgeous. He put it on carefully, looking into his mirror. He smiled. He loved it. He checked the box for anything else and found an envelope. It was a card from Tommy. He giggled as he read it out loud. He smiled.

'Cheezy dumbass racoon.'

He grabbed his phone and walked over to the big mirror in his room. He took a full body picture of him and sent it to Tommy, captioned:

"I love you sm <33 Thank you, I love it you cheezy dumbass racoon"

He cleaned up and sat down onto his bed, getting a notification from his phone.

"*You're cheezy dumass racoon <3"

Purpled smiled. How did he get so lucky?

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