【 ' ' S O U K O K U 2 ' ' 】

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" w-with akutagawa? " atsushi questioned, slightly turning to akutagawa.

" yeah, you guys weren't hanging out? " dazai asked, holding up sushi.

" ah ... " atsushi mumbled, turning back to dazai. " we didn't get to hang out since there were some difficulties, haha ... " the white-haired boy explained, fake smiling.

" oh, i see ... "

' well, that's only because he kissed him, isn't it? ' dazai thought, smirking like an idiot.

" -the hell are you thinking about, smiling like that? eat, " chuuya said before eating his food.

" oh, are you worried about if i'll eat or not for the sake of my health~? " dazai asked playfully, an idiot smile on his face like always.

" pff- " chuuya nearly spat out his food, but quickly swallowed before speaking. " ahem, no i'm not! i just hate seeing that idiotic face of yours! " chuuya blurted out, blushing.

" if you say so, " dazai said in a disbelieving tone, eating his food.

" you- "

" now, chuuya-san, i don't think we should get into a fight right now. i mean, we are eating at the table. do you think arguing will be necessary? " atsushi queried before eating his chazuke.

" mmm ... whatever, " chuuya muttered, picking up his sushi.

" hehe~ thank you atsushi~ you saved my life! " dazai thanked ironically, both of his hands clasped together.

' . . . what the hell ... is he trying to make me jealous? ' chuuya thought angrily.

. . .

【 A F T E R   T H E Y   F I N I S H E D   E A T I N G 】

" alright, i and chuuya are going to our room, you two should as well, " dazai told akutagawa and atsushi outside his bedroom door, smiling happily.

" ah, okay, " atsushi said.

" . . . " chuuya remained silent.

dazai turned to the ginger.

" chu? why are you so quiet? " dazai asked chuuya.

chuuya glanced at dazai, but didn't say a word. he walked into their room with his arms crossed.

" chuuya? " dazai followed after chuuya, " what's wrong? did i do something? " dazai reached out for chuuya, but the latter ignored him.

" . . . " chuuya glared at dazai unhappily.

" chuuya ...?- "

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