The Monastery

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A/n: Since the Collectors have fallen, Samara continued her Justicar duties. Until she heard that the Monastery on Lessus, where her daughter's were, blacked out.

The towers were the first thing she saw. She knew the monastery inside out, as she had escorted many Ardat-Yakshi to this sacred ground where these Asari could find peace.

When she entered Samara immediately noticed something odd; the Monastery was completely dark. Every room she visited had no signs of life, only corpses, reaper corpses. The monastery was already infested with reaper troops. The hopes of finding her daughters grew grim.

Click-clack, click-clack. Her shoes rapidly moved over the metallic floor. Her heart was racing as was her mind, she had to get away and find her sister. She heard screams and she covered her ears.

The Monastery had been overrun for a while now and Asari high command had sent a commando to secure it, but they were defeated as was the overseer of the Monastery; Matriarch Gallae.

The reapers were taking the Ardat-Yakshi from the Monastery and turning them into monsters; tall grey Asari like creatures which would follow the reaper's command. She liked to call them Banshees.

Samara's search grew more desperate, every empty room she found. Until she found a certain alliance commander.

"Shepard! You're a sight for sore eyes." Samara greeted the commander. "Never thought to see you here." Samara filled the commander in on the status of the Monastery. And they set off to find Samara's daughters.

They entered a courtyard which should lead to a bomb left by the commando high command had sent. They would use it to purge the Monastery and eliminate any remaining reaper forces.

Screams filled the air as tall grey Asari like creatures stepped down into the courtyard and attacked Shepard and his crew. Samara stayed on distance and covered Shepard's crew.

The door opened, making room for her as the reaper forces were hunting her. She used her biotic abilities to push them back as she ran into someone else.
"Mother! Oh thank the goddess you're here. They have Rila."

Samara wasted no time and quickly moved towards the Great hall where the bomb should have been. There they found Rila lying motionless near the commando bomb.

"Rila, wake up! Please!" Falere practically begged her sister. And her prayer was heard, Rila opened her eyes but they didn't look like they used to; they were a night black. Rila surged forward and grapped Falere's throat, trying to strangle her. Falere pushed her sister away, asking why she'd do that.

"They have already begun turning her Falere." Samara said with a face of grief.

Suddenly Rila returned to her normal self saying Falere and the rest had to get away ASAP, Rila would lure out the reapers and detonate the bomb.

Falere resisted but Shepard put his arm around her waist and dragged her to the elevator.

"I love you." Rila whispered while her sister was protesting against leaving.

When everyone left, Rila saw 3 banshees enter the room. One got close and impaled Rila with her sharp claws and turned her head close to its own.
"We're not your slaves!" Rila said while triggering the detonator.

A loud boom and a cloud of smoke signified Rila had detonated the commando bomb.

"We left her to die!" Falere accused Samara and Shepard.
"Falere, Rila's will was extraordinary. She taught me again what is important, why I swore I'd laid down my life." Samara said sincerely.

"Falere, by the code an Ardat-Yakshi can not live in a monastery that no longer exist." Samara lifted her gun to her head.

"By the code, there is only one way to save Falere. My daughters, you were all so much stronger than I ever expected." Those were her last words as she shot a bullet through her own head saving her only daughter left.

"Mother! Mother! Mo-other!" Falere cried.

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