Lies Hurt

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Day 1

"Ok, bro bro. What now?" Mabel asked her dear sibling. They both were walking to the shack and a slight nervousness hung in the air. They were honestly scared, but they didn't need to tell each other that, they were twins after all.

After a moment, Dipper sighed and said, "Nothing at the moment. We have no idea where or who he is. Just, go hang out with your friends today, I know that you want to, you haven't seen them for a while."

Mabel nodded, but she wasn't sure about it. Wouldn't they be safer if they were together? But she nodded and gave him a tight hug and ran in the opposite direction while yelling, "Scream of you're dying!"

"Thanks for the tip!"

Girls. Meet me at the at the diner, no excuses!

She was about to put her phone when she slammed into to something and her phone went flying in the air and she went flying backwards and she watched as it landed on a patch of green grass. She was scared that it might've cracked, that would've been her fourth phone this year because her clumsy but dropped it. She was also realizing that she was about to hit the ground painfully until something reached out and clutched on to her arm tightly and she gasped.

She looked up and her brown orbs met blue ones.

"Hey! It you!" She shouted and the guys eyes narrowed and her arm slipped from his hand and she fell the rest of the way to the ground with a loud thud.

"Oh, sorry!" Thomas said quickly and tried to help her up, but before he could, she leaned on her back and flipped upwards and onto her feet gracefully. She had learned some things during her monster hunting and mystery solving. She and her brother had to learn how to move or else it was a trip to death.

"I got it! Where are you headed to?" She asked as if nothing happened and the blonde looked at her questionably.

"Somewhere?" He said cautiously and a wide smile broke out on her face as her idea of the situation was that he was lost and just embarrassed to ask for directions. Oh how wrong she was.

"Are you lost?"

"Lost? Oh, yes! I mean, yeah, I'm lost. This place is like a wheel of misfortune."

She looked at him strangely. Misfortune? She knew Gravity Falls was kinda weird, but it never seemed like it was misfortune. And wheel? For some reason that seemed to set off some bells that were in her head and were warning her to stay back, or run away quickly, but she stayed there, looking at him strangely. He took notice of her stare and tried to correct himself for the misunderstanding.

"Not Misfortune! I mean, umm, craziness?"

Now that she could understand. This place was crazy. On a scale of one to ten, it would probably be a twelve hundred in her book. Or the book with the number three on it.

"Well Gravity Falls is kinda crazy, but you get used to it!" She laughed, but the boy wasn't amused by it at all. She then decided to do her back up plan that could never fail. Just horribly mess up everything.

"Hey, you know, I have some friends that live here, maybe they could shown you around and stuff." She offered and the boy seemed to relax some what. Mabel sighed in relief. She wasn't good in awkward situations.

"I don't know. I don't-

"Oh, come on, it'll be fun!" She chirped as she started to drag him unwillingly down the sidewalk to where she was going to meet Candy and Grenda.

He looked extremely hesitant about all of this, but Mabel didn't notice it and soon she was already waving to her dear friends that had bewildered eyes.


Dipper felt bad.

A He said to Mabel when he said that they weren't going to do anything, and THEY weren't. He was looking for anything that involved a triangle, or something strange.

He. Didn't like lying to his sister, but he didn't want her to get hurt, so until he was sure it was safe, then. He would tell her everything.

Right now he was sitting on his bed in the attic of the mystery shack, with his laptop open and books were scattered around the room, but there was one in particular hat he was reading right now. The records and history of Gravity Falls that had gathered a second layer of dust.

The page was black and white and had an old man drawing a circle on a brick wall and starting to draw something in the center, talking about something. Next to him was a boy with his head buried in a book writing something hurriedly and Dipper could see a small tattoo on his neck. A star with a diamond in the middle of it.

There was a neatly written description in cursive under the photo that Dipper read, "Deals are forever made, but some deals can never be broken. Sometimes they could be the worst mistakes of your life, I know-

Dipper looked at the next page to read the rest of the passage, but it wasn't continued on the next page. Dipper inspected it closer and his eyes widened in shock. It was ripped out! He ran his finger over the line and felt small curves that proved that there was another page that was expertly torn out.

But there was something written it horrible hand writing on the top of the page that Dipper had to squint his eyes to see.

'nothing is what it seems'

Remembering something important that he did to his journal, he scampered under his bed and pulled out his floodlight and flashed it onto the page and was honestly scared by what he saw.

'dON't TRuSt siMOn' was written all over the page as if an mad man had tried to write it before he was dragged away.

Simon? Who is Simon and why was the page torn out?

Dipper decided to ask the Internet for advice.

He clicked over the images of Google search after he typed it in the search bar and rolled his eyes when he was a dumb picture that said 'illuminati confirmed' and had an triangle photoshopped onto some guys head at the pyramids. But why would that be under 'Gravity Falls: Simon' ?

Then one image captured his eyes.

A picture of a man with raven black hair chiseled into a humongous block of stone. His eyes were captivating with a burning landscape. He stood in a field on flames of purple and he held a sick and verminous smirk that told anyone that they were doomed.

Dipper end was amazed by the amount of detail that was put in to this piece of art then read its description.

Demon of the damned. Hevouro crieto matokoe xestrista.

As Dipper read the words, the room increasingly grew colder. He shivered and breathed out and as a result, a white fog came out. But that was impossible, it was summer.

"Trust me. Nothing is impossible child, especially with me."

Dipper spun away from the computer and accidentally fell off his bed, lamely falling on the floor head first. At the same time, he felt as if the same was happening somewhere else to his sister. Twin sense, don't question it.

He groaned at picked his head up and the first thing he saw were a pair of purple neat shoes, and then a black coat that went along with it.

"So, why was I summoned?"

"Oh crap."


Preview for next time:

Bill's P.O.V

I am surrounded by peasants. How the hell did this happened, oh yeah, that damned Pines and her dumb, idiotic, irrational, stupid personality. And what the hell is nachos? They look like me, bunch of rip offs.

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