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Day 1

"You kidding right? This is just prank, right?"

Mabel and Dipper sat together at the table in the kitchen, both staring at the book.

"This is real, and impossible."

Mabel shook her head and crossed her arms. "No Dipper, from our experience, nothing is impossible." She had really matured during the years, but not too much, and Dipper felt kind of disappointed that he was now not the only thinker, but he was still the smartest.

Mabel leaned back in her chair and gave Dipper a sideways glance. "The question is, what happened and what are we gonna do Bro?"

Dipper rubbed the bottom of his chin and stared intensely at the book. "Who else do we know that has extreme knowledge on the journals?"

"Who else? Wait, you don't mean-


"Why hello my sugar dumplin! Dipper."

"I should've known." Mabel groaned as she tried to turn and make a run for it, but Dipper grabbed on to her sleeve and pulled her back to the situation at hand.

Gideon was still smaller than the two of them, (being younger and all), and his white hair curled up to where it looked like there was a jumbo Ball on his head. How he had so much hair, the world may never know.

"H-hey Gideon." Dipper said in a strained voice. "How's it been."

"Well let's see, quite fine actually, since I'm no longer in jail." Gideon laughed, but his eyes showed complete and udder anger.

"Why, silly old me, I forgot to let you two know. Come, come!" He said as he opened the door.

Mabel nervously walked in and when Dipper tried to walk in, Gideon let go of the door and it closed on him.

"Oops, my bad!" Gideon said in his sing song voice.

Dipper and Mabel sat across from Gideon in his living room and a lady shakily handed out tea to the three.

Mabel raised her hand slowly and gave her a apologetic smile. "Sorry, but I'm not a big fan of tea anymore."

"You heard her, get her something else!" Gideon shouted at his mother, and she ran out of the room.

"Soooooo, what is it you need Pines?"

Dipper sighed as he pulled the journal out of his vest and opened it to Bill's page.

"Remember Bill?"

"Oh yes, still have the teeth."

"Wha- never mind, well this was the info we had on him."

Gideon looked at the pages and frowned. "But there's nothing here."


Gideon eyed it suspiciously, but then his eyes widened so much that they almost popped out of his head and his pale face turned even more white.

"Oh sweet Jesus." He muttered under his breath, and it didn't go unnoticed by the twins.


He didn't answer at first, his eyes glued to the page, then he let out a long and troubled sigh and gave them a scowl.

"This is a problem."

"Yeah, we know, but why is it a problem?" Dipper asked impatiently

"He doesn't exist in the dream realm anymore."

"Ah say what?" Mabel was confused. Why was Bill not existing anymore a bad thing? It seemed like the best thing of all time! Yet, why was Gideon............scared?

"His existence was wiped completely clean from this book, and probably the others."

"Why does that make me uneasy?" Dipper whispered to no one in particular, but Gideon gave him a response.

"Because now that he isn't in his world anymore, then it means he's in ours. As a mortal, human being."

He let that sink into the atmosphere and there was a deadly silence. The tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

"Mortal?" Mabel repeated.

"Human?" Dipper said in disbelief.

"But how!? How could that even happen?!"

Gideon shook his head and rested the palm of his hand against his forehead. "Only hell could grant such a thing. It is nearly impossible for a demon to become human, unless some else.............decides to embody the power that he holds. Then that person becomes the demon it's self."

Mabel stood up and slammed her hands on the table. "You mean he's going to give someone his curse?! That's horrible!"

"Hold up!" Dipper said resting his hand on his sisters arm.

"Doesn't that mean Bill was once human?"

"Possibly, most likely, but he's now walking the earth as one of us. I'd be careful if I were you, he might still have his powers if he hadn't gotten a sacrifice yet." He warned, after all.

Then did defeat him twice.

The twins nodded and made their way to the door.

Gideon's mom walked in with a cup and watched as the two shut the door. She sat the cup down and picked up her feather duster.

"It's not like I care what happens to them." Gideon yelled at her, and this time she didn't flinch. She nodded at him in understanding. He did care, more than he would admit, but it would hurt his pride. All he wanted was a friend.

Maybe there was hope for her son after all.

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