Mistakes were made

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Bill's pov

I am surrounded by peasants. How the hell did this happened, oh yeah, that damned Pines and her dumb, idiotic, irrational, stupid personality. And what the hell is nachos? They look like me, bunch of rip offs. There are not enough words in the earth dictionary to explain how angry and awkward this is. To be sitting at a table, being stared down by suspicious girls, it feels like their reading my soul.

Teenagers are horrifying.

"So, where are you from?" The girl with glasses asked me. I think her name was, ah, Cattie? No, um Caddy? Dammit, I am a all powerful demon, I do not have to remember some girls name that I will soon forget!

"Um, Washington DC. Me and my father just moved here actually." The girl looked at me disbelievingly and made eye contact with the bulkier girl. Can they read each other's minds? Do they know who I am? Shit, what if-

"How about we show you around town then?" Okay, maybe I am overestimating them, I mean there just girls, what could the possibly do?


No ones pov

"I say we trick him into going into the girls dressing room, and let's wait and watch with a bucket of popcorn on the side."

"Candy! What is wrong with you?" Mabel whispered loudly. Thomas had to use the bathroom and Candy had called a girls meeting at the booth.

"What? First off, he was lying. I was pretty surprised Grenda didn't tackle him to the ground. Second, what did we agree about last year? Hmmmmmmm?" Candy hummed as she poked Mabel's face.

"Well, there were nachos in the way, so yeah."

Mabel puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms defensively.

"Hey! I know what we agreed about, but it's not like I like this guy, he's just knew around town and he helped me, so I'm just returning the favor." Her frown deepened as she heard her friends start to snicker.

"Yeah, just like the boy that worked at the animal shelter?" Candy laughed.

"Or how about that guy that had the part time job at the dump?" Grenda joined.

"Oh! How about that one guy-

"Okay guys, I get it. There's been a lot of guys I've so called 'liked', but I promise. I am not doing another relationship for a looooong time. And hey, at least I'm the twin that even had a first date."

"Ha, yeah. By the way, where is your brother today?"

"I don't know." Mabel said as she popped a cheese coved chip into her mouth and took a sip of her soda. "Probably doing something boring."


"Go away!" Dipper yelled as he threw a dictionary at the demon that popped up in his room. The book passed right through the mans body and landed on the ground behind him. The man looked at it then glared at the shaking boy.

"Wow! Rude much? You human has the guts to summon me, then you scream and throw a book at me? Normally it's way worse, I mean, imagine some ten year old on the Internet that accidentally summons me. He picked up the entire computer and threw it right at my face! Of course it didn't hurt but hey! Not cool."

"Who are you?" Dipper asked from behind his bed.

The man pointed at his chest. "Me? Well I have lots of names! In my first life it was Phil, most females call me an asshole, but my friends, and summoners call me, Simon."

Don't trust Simon.

This had to be the guy that was scribbled all over that page! But that didn't make things any better for him. He had just done goofed. Big time. If only his sister were here.

"And your Dipper Pines right? Wow, hey, did you know that Bill really doesn't like you? Like, really, REALLY, doesn't like you? He wanted you dead more than any other human, even had a plan. Had, to bad he'll never get to do that now."

Dipper shot up from his hiding spot. "So he really is human now!?" He shouted, making the demon rub his ears.

"Damn kid, your voice is high pitched. Either your taking drugs, or you haven't fully hit puberty yet. And I don't think you do option one soooooo."

"Hey! I- never mind that. So bill is human now?" He asked more calmly then the first time. This Simon guy could give him some answers, but there was that paper that kept nagging him. This could end very badly for him.

"Yes." Simon said boredly. Guess it wasn't much fun for him to talk about Bill. "Billy is almost there, then after he's human he can accomplish his dream. Too bad he's gonna leave our group though we'll miss him."

"Group? We? There's more of you?" Dipper asked. Please say no.



"Let's see, we got the nice one, miss chatty, the dumb one, sir cocky, the strong one, Mr.Red, and sweet little bitch. And me. The top demons. And now Bill's contract is up."

"Contract? So he was human at first."

"Well aren't you smart kid."

Dipper wasn't sure if that was sarcasm or not, but he decided to take the comment from a all power demon as a compliment. The guy talked a lot, almost as if he didn't care if it was vital information, he would just say it as if it were nothing. And he seemed to have two emotions, talkative and boredom. Other than that, he had no idea what this guy was capable of.

"What is Bill doing? Is he in this town? What is his so called dream? Who is he-

"Hey, calm down!" Simon rubbed his chin, and then a sick grin crossed his face. Now Dipper shad seen the third emotion. Mischievousness.

"How about we make a deal? I'll give you some info on Bill, IF, you help me find an old friend. How about it."

Dipper automatically replied with a, "Hell no."

"Aw, come on kid! This deal isn't so bad. You get information on your archenemy and are able to protect your sister, and all I want is to see an old friend. It's a win win in my opinion." Simon tried to convince, but Dipper hesitantly shook his head 'no'.

"Your probably like a genie, gonna twist your words around to where it pleases you more than me!" Dipper accused. Simon placed his hand on his chest in an offended manner.

"I would never do that! I just want what's best for you, and me." He whispered the last part quietly to where Dipper couldn't hear him. He placed his hand outwards to Dipper and smirked.

"All it takes is one handshake and you can have all the information on Bill that you want." There was something about how smug he looked that told him he already knew what was gonna happen. And his smug smile grew even bigger as the boy slowly shook his hand.

"By the way kid, I'm gonna need your body if I'm gonna see my friend."


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