Fool me twice

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"I can't believe I was this stupid. I fell for it again!" Dipper cried out into the sky with his brand new, but all to familiar, transparent ghost like form. He glared at his body, which was now being possessed by his new founded 'friend', who was admiring his fingers delightedly.

"It's been so long, this body is kinda scrawny though, and don't get me started on your hair, have you heard of conditioner?" Dipper fumed as Simon ranted on his body. Then Simon pulled back his clenched hand and slammed it into the wall without any mercy. Dipper shrieked as his hand came back pulsing and red, quickly shading into a dark purple.

"And not very durable." Simon said disappointedly.

"Stop hurting me you psychopath! Give me back my body!" Dipper shouted, his voice cracking from his anger. This was like Bill all over, was he gonna start sticking forks into his hands next?

Simon clicked his/dipper's tongue and shook his head 'no'. "No can do buddy, like I said, I'm gonna need a body so I can talk to her. Didn't you even listen to me kid, jeez, Bill must really hate you."

Dipper rolled his eyes and gave up on arguing with the man, he seemed to have something to say to everything, the only thing to do right now was to just go with it and get it over with. Find the person, get his body back, learn about Bill's plans, find him, defeat him, and him and his sister and have a peaceful summer.

It was that simple, right?
Oh, who was he kidding? If he was lucky, his sister would make it out of this.

"All right then, fine, how do we find this person?" Dipper asked and Simon pointed at him playfully. Was this guy really a all powerful demon from another dimension?

"She is working at a flower shop in Gravity Falls called 'Bloom'. I'm going to go speak to her, alone. You? You can just, fly around town until I'm done, do you comprehend little one?" Simon said calmly, but Dipper could hear the warning behind it.

Follow, and you'll never get your body back, in one piece.

Dipper frowned at him and flew out of the room without a word. He looked at the town as soon as he was high enough and admired how amazing it actually looked, but he wasn't there for the view, he was supposed to be looking for something. He had heard of, even seen the flower shop Simon had mentioned, and Dipper wanted to see what Simon was after.

Technically, he wasn't following Simon, he was just gonna beat him there.

He caught sight of a little blue building that had all types of flowers sitting outside and dashed towards it, and he had to admit. It was way easier traveling in this form than in his body. He stood outside of the shop and looked into the tinted glass, only to fall through it and into the shop itself. Flowers decorated to walls, and the floor had scattered petal around it. He looked at the blue counter and floated behind it, disappointed when he didn't see any girl there. Maybe she had left. Then he heard the bell on the door ring.

Or maybe she didn't.

He saw a girl with long curls of black hair walked in while holding an old looking gray flower pot in her arms. She had a pair of reading glasses over her pale violet eyes and wore a simple purple jacket. In what situation would this normal looking girl, would become friends with an all powerful demon, who knew, looks were really deceiving now a days. He watched as she placed the old pot on the counter and wipe the sweat on her forehead away with her arm.

Something seems wrong. Dipper thought to himself as the girl tended to her flowers and swept the floor. What if, this girl was someone that could help Simon in, whatever he was planning? That would be bad, but what if this girl, was a completely normal girl a Simon needed her for something sinister. The more he watched the girl work around in her shop, the more he began to believe his second suggestion.

This was bad, he had to help this helpless girl before Simon got there, but how, he has no body to communicate with her, and there was no puppet in sight. How would he- wait a minute. It popped into his head instantly and he flew out of the little shop and into the sky. He needed to find his sister, and even though he would involve her with this Simon guy, or even let her know that he lied to her, she was probably the only hope that girl had.

She told him that she and the girls were going to meet at the diner, so he started there. He went inside and looked around, but didn't see any trace of her and her friends, except for the small amount of glitter on one of the booths. He then flew out of the dinners ceiling and went high in the sky to get a birds eye view of the town, until he caught sight of three girls walking together on a sidewalk with one blonde boy standing next to them.

Hopefully his sister wouldn't get too mad at him.


I did it! Yay!

...I'm so tired.

I'm planning on starting a little bit of MaBill next chapter, but not too much, I want it to build its way on up to its beautiful fluffiness. Anyway, this Simon guy sounds really familiar to me, and who's this girl? I know, but you don't. I already have it planned out, I did from the beginning! Muahahah! I hope this chapter turned out well enough for you guys and that you look forward to the next one.

And as always, my dear little readers.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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