Chapter 8: Garlic and Apples (Alex POV)

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(Alexandria POV)

The limo parked in front of my apartment complex. The driver, Jerry, asked if I wanted to be walked to my door. I shook my head no, attempting to process this evenings events. I was happy, sleepy, and ecstatic all at once. I was physically and emotionally exhausted!

I walked past the now dark leasing office and up three flights of stairs to my apartment. After fumbling with my keys for a moment, a small smile spread across my face. Michael was so cute. He seemed really anxious for me to accept his job offer. I couldn't believe my inappropriate daydream; and at his dinner table! Talk about embarrassed. Michael really kept a close circle around him. His friends seemed to really care about him, especially Karen. Maybe cared a little too much. Are her and Michael involved? Dammit. I can't find the keyhole. Why is it so dark? I looked up and noticed that the lightbulb above my apartment door was missing. The shattered glass that crunched under my shoes sent chills up my spine. Weird.

I hastily opened the door to my apartment only to be pushed forward, my face slammed against my shag carpeting. I smelled a pungent garlic odor, then everything went black.

(Michael POV)

I was on my fourth cup of chamomile and I was no where near tired. I was still wired from her, just being around her was enough to leave me restless. I sat on the overstuffed sofa in my study, the fire from before was now just glowing embers in the fire pit. I ambled over to the piano, the same piano we sat at...together. My thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. Karen's head peeked in as she smiled awkwardly. "I'm about to head out, I had fun tonight," she said. I smiled weakly and bade her goodnight. She lingered in the doorway as if she wanted to say more, then bowed out in a blonde blur.


Everyone was gone. I walked out into the foyer, my shoes clicking against the aged hardwood. The moonlight spilled into the room as I turned off the lights. It was midnight and I couldn't fall asleep even if I tried.

Hmm...I could take the go kart out and drag race... Maybe ride the ferris wheel? Yeah, maybe that would make me sleepy. Or, I could hail one of my many disguises and take the station wagon out on the town. I liked that option better.

Within minutes, I was inside my bedroom closet digging through my collection of fake teeth, press-on facial hair and baseball caps. I opted for a black mustache, false teeth, and a ball cap. The station wagon was located in an underground parking garage underneath the ranch. It housed six different cars, 8 RVs, a few dirt bikes and spare arcade machines. The engine roared to life as I drove up the long winding path and left Sycamore Valley Ranch onto the twinkling California highway.


I passed an antique matinee movie theater that was showing Disney's Peter Pan. Considering it was now 1 in the morning, it was bound to be empty. Heck, I could even grab some popcorn and M&M's- take the last row allowing me to enjoy the movie and laugh freely without being discovered. I'm sure I'd have a better time if I could share this guilty pleasure with someone. Maybe, Alexandria?


She's probably asleep from the nights festivities. I'm so elated she said yes. I could have danced up and down the driveway just from hearing her answer! Hopefully she isn't weirded out by my enthusiasm. I looped around the corner passing the matinee theater and within minutes I was on the same dark street that Alexandria's apartment complex was on...

(Alexandria's POV)

As I came to, I heard muffled shuffling and hushed whispers. Their quiet conversation was riddled with bass undertones. Two men.

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