Chapter 20: You Better Know Where You Stand (Multi POV)

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Michael POV
The next morning was awkward to say the least. I woke before Alexandria and snuck out of the bedroom into the kitchen. Broomhilda was at work chopping tomatoes and peppers for my favorite meal: an omelette accompanied with a bowl of Fruit Loops cereal. The sun was just coming up over the rolling green hills of Sycamore Valley Ranch. Sycamore. I've got to do something about that God awful name.

She basically said she loved me last night. I couldn't sleep afterwards; I tossed and turned recounting the exchange a million times over in my head:

"I don't care about that, Michael. Honestly, I completely forgot until you mentioned it just now. It's a part of you--and if it's a part of you, I love it."

I mean, ok, she didn't outright and say it, but she might as well have! Could she really be falling for me? Flaws and all? Or was she just swept up in the whimsy and fame? My last foray into romantic territory with a woman was Madonna. In the end, she just used me to boost her image. She never loved me although she lied to the press in interviews saying she did. Ever since then, I've honestly been a bit jaded towards the institution of love.

"Mr. Michael! You're up very early, aren't you?" Broomhilda exclaimed, startled by my sudden appearance. I shuffled my feet and drew my robe tighter becoming suddenly aware of my morning appearance. My hair was a birds nest, I was shirtless with nothing but my boxers on. "Y-yes. I didn't mean to disturb you, Broomhilda," I apologized dragging my fingers through my thoroughly fucked hair. This small gesture conjured memories of the events that transpired last night: my wrists wrapped with curly brown hair and the smell of wild flowers come to mind. I shook my head to fend off my growing erection. "Can you set another place for breakfast? Alexandria will be joining me." I sputtered changing the subject.

She stopped chopping and gave me a knowing look as a sly smile crept across her face. The smile a mother gives her son. I chuckled nervously running my hands through my hair. I should go wake my sleeping beauty before breakfast gets cold. I turned on my heel up the winding staircase into my pitch black bedroom. As much as I wanted to crawl under the blankets and get lost in her again, I had serious matters to attend to. That detective from last night seemed suspicious--as if I had anything to do with Karen and her ludicrous actions. I had to clear my name. The sooner the better.

Turning on a bedside lamp, I saw her. Knees hugged to her chest, her angelic face ensconced in wild curls. She looked so small. "Hey there sleepyhead," I whispered pushing her hair from her eyes. She writhed and groaned as she mumbled incoherently. What I wouldn't give to nestle in the crook of her neck and breathe her wonderful scent. "I can't do this, J--this is the last time" she mumbled still fast asleep, she must be having a dream. Who is this J person?

I rubbed her lower back as she squeezed her eyes tight, frowning at the intrusion from the lamp light. Rolling onto her back, she squinted at me and pouted sticking her plump pink lip out. "I don't wanna get up, your bed is too damn comfortable,"  she whined. I jumped on the bed between her legs and laid my chin on her stomach gazing into her sleepy green eyes. "Come on, you know we have to go to the station and clear this whole Karen thing up." Her face seemed lost, then suddenly she remembered.

Remembered the horror show that was my kitchen: Karen's blood sprayed all over us, and the dramatics with the eight cop cars that pummeled through the estate gates last night. "Oh, I-I completely forgot. I was so lost in, well, in you," she said embarrassed, "you're right. We need to clear your name. Um, is there any way we can mail the police a written statement? I really don't want to go anywhere, Michael."

Mail a statement? Wow, she really must not want to get out of bed! I furrowed my eyebrows at her, "I'm sure the press would love that. A half-ass letter of my innocence. THAT'D go over well," I said smiling sarcastically my hands finding their way to her lower back. She squirmed as I massaged her back, my chin now resting between her belly button and panty line. She peeked down at me as I grabbed a mouthful of her t-shirt exposing her red lace panties and stomach.

Alexandria POV
"I'll give you a surprise if you promise me you'll get out of bed," he said kissing my exposed skin. His trail of kisses left little circle of heat on my sensitized flesh. I squirmed beneath the warmth of his body and purred, "hmm, what kind of surprise?" He answered pushing his nose into the crest between my legs and inhaling deeply. "By having a little snack before breakfast."

I immediately became aroused at his brazen gesture. Looking down at his dark eyes I saw a familiar look; that darker look from last night when we were together. When he face fucked me using my hair for handholds as I swallowed him enthusiastically. I bit my lip wanting nothing more than to feel his touch and nodded in response.

Wasting no time at all, he hooked his thumbs in my pantries and yanked them down my legs inch by inch. He peppered kisses from my instep all the way up to my pelvic bone as I writhed and hummed in appreciation. "Keep still, Alexandria. You are a squirmy little thing" he ushered between kisses. I couldn't help it. I felt completely helpless and under his command when I was with him this way.

Michael POV
She smelled so good, and was quite responsive to my touch. I watched as a shiny streak of her excitement lined her glorious opening. "Say it," I demanded, "say you promise, Alexandria." She mewled as my deft fingers massaged her sensitive bud in circles, "I-I promise I'll get out of bed, Michael." I smiled at her cessation and ended her torture by taking her clit in my mouth. She jerked and moaned at the small flicks I gave her with the tip of my tongue. She tasted so damn good. Her hands found home in my hair as she grabbed handfuls forcing my face to cause more friction to her G spot.

"Oh, ooooh Michael, baby. Right there---yes. W-w-wait I'm...I'm about t-to," moments later she emitted a low guttural scream as she came on my face in waves. I sat there, like a greedy puppy with a bone lapping up her wetness as the after shocks ran through her body. Sitting up on my knees, I looked down on her now red face flushed with passion. " I half chuckled.

Alexandria POV
I peeked up at him embarrassed to say the least. How could he just stand there laughing while his whole face was covered with...with me! I reluctantly sat up and awkwardly rushed to the restroom closing the double doors behind me. "Breakfast. Be downstairs in 10 minutes," he said through the door. What a way to start the day.

Michael POV
I watched as she ate, voraciously to say the least, smiling at the thought. Watching he eat made me happy. I can't believe that when we first met she was wasting away; living off of fast food and tea. Broomhilda hummed as she tidied the kitchen and prepared our toast. "Miss Alexandria, how would you like your toast? Lightly toasted?" Sipping her tea, she laughed nervously and responded, "um, actually, I prefer it black." I locked eyes with her and mumbled, "that she does," into my cup of coffee. Tickled with my quick wit, I was quickly brought back to reality with a croissant lobbed at my nose.

Alexandria POV
"Hey!" he half yelled startled at my aim. I couldn't help but laugh hysterically! He looked so shocked! I stuck my tongue out at him as a brimming Broomhilda placed my perfectly burnt toast beside me grinning sheepishly. Food fight or not, our next stop was the police station. I wonder if Karen would be there.

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