No Mercy, No Love

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The chorus of the song No Mercy by T.I. was my inspiration for writing this story. This is my first story, so if you like it at all, and want me to continue to write a chapter.... Like chapter one... Then please vote!! Comment if you have ideas!! Please? Alright, enough with this boring stuff... ON WITH THE STORY!!!



Run. That was the only thing that was really running through my mind right now. Just run. I couldn't feel the ice cutting into my feet, or the blistering cold that was surrounding me. No, all I could think about was my one chance at freedom, at getting away. My name is Elissa Connell, I am a werewolf and I was running away from one of the things that should always protect me. Too bad they weren't like that. Who are they? My so-called family. For the past ten years, ever since I was 8, I have been abused. I never did learn the reason why. And for my very own flesh and blood to abuse me, it must be very bad what I did. My wolf, Lydia, whimpered in my mind, wanting to be able to take over and run in wolf form because it was so much faster. I understood where she was coming from too, get as far away from those who have nearly killed us. But while being in wolf form, they would be able to smell me so much better because my scent would be stronger. I couldn't risk them finding me so easily, especially not being this close to 'home'. Haha, home? Never really had one of those.

I hiss in pain at the feel of a branch scratching my arm, while blood started to drip down my arm. I couldn't really see anything with tears streaming down my face, so the branch was a little unexpected. I just hoped that my wolf could heal the cut soon, which would be so much easier if we were healthier. Seeing as my energy was being depleted fast, I would probably depend on Lydia to get us far away. Just a few more miles, if I could pull it off, and then she can take over. I just ran and ran, wanting to be as far away as possible. I was so happy Lydia was here to help me, and give me strength. Without her, I probably would have been dead years ago. I could tell she was lending me strength, and I was okay with that.

When I stumbled once again, I let Lydia take over. The transformation took almost no time. I was used to it by now, and any pain I once had was gone. Besides, with the pain I had gotten daily, I shouldn't be able to feel much anyway. I just wanted to get away. Lydia was unhappy too. Unhappy that those people who were supposed to support us would treat us this way. So, because of both our pain, tears will still rolling down our black wolf face. I don't know what would happen right now if another wolf were to see me right now. Apparently, a pure black wolf is very rare, even though lots of werewolves may think white is rare, they are wrong. I am a very rare color and if not careful, I could cause a lot of problems if rogues capture me, if I had a mate that is. A mate is like a soul mate to werewolves, they are something the Fates and Moon Goddess has graced us with. They are the only true love of our lives, or should I existence. No matter what, before we die, we will see our true mates at least once. It's like the Moon Goddess is supposed to 'grace' us with their presence before we die. They say that having a mate is the most amazing thing in the world, but I don't think so. I have had enough so called "love" to last me a lifetime, I don't need any more deceit in my life. Besides, I was always told I didn't have mate, especially because I'm a black wolf. So finding a mate is not my main priority.

We ran and ran, just trying to get away. I lost track of how many miles we ran and the direction we were running. All I saw were trees and dirt passing me by. Thoughts about everything were running through my mind right now. I just wanted to get away from these thoughts, I wanted a break. Was that too much to ask for?? I guess it was. After what could have been hours, we stopped by a creek. My wolf needed nourishment, so after catching a few rabbits we were off again.

It went like that for the next two days. Run, eat, rest a little bit, and run again. Finally, late night on the second day, my wolf was all tired out. She couldn't run anymore. She ran until she could barely move and then collapsed on the ground. There wasn't rock hard snow here like we were accustomed to, seeing as that was what we had been running on the whole time. No, this snow was softer, and when I looked up, I saw why. There was a canopy of trees here, mostly pine where I was laying at, but I could tell that during the spring there would be a lot more variety here, maybe even a field of flowers. All of a sudden, I started to worry.

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