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"Here they come! Clear the path, the chopper is coming down. Clear the path!" A voice called out through the field as the black military chopper began its descent in the middle of The Fort Salem base camp. Raising her hand to shield her eyes from the bracing wind, Scylla Ramshorn stood behind Adil as the helicopter slowly began its descent down onto the helipad in front of them. Once the all-clear was given, they headed toward the door of the chopper, greeted by the shining faces of the Bellweather unit sitting just inside chatting with themselves.

"So what exactly happens next?" Tally could be heard saying as Scylla and Adil held out their hands for their prospective wives. "I don't exactly think that's an answer we're going to have any time soon Tal," Raelle replied, taking her wife's hand before wrapping her arm around the brunette's shoulders. It wasn't until Tally was the last to get out of the chopper, Scylla noticed they were one soldier short, "Where's Alder?" Scylla asked curiously. "wasn't she the one who took you up in the first place?" Adil's question followed shortly after Scylla's giving the trio no chance to answer the first.

Before any of the girls could answer, however, a soft voice trailed behind them as the propellers of the helicopter slowed to a stop, "She's gone." Khalida admitted a small smile coming to her pink lips. Turning around to face his younger sister, Adil looked back at Abigail before the other two members of the Bellweather unit, "What do you mean she's gone?" he asked slightly confused. Tally, tears in her eyes let out a soft laugh. Walking over to Khalida, she placed a hand on the smaller girl's shoulder, "She's right. Her mission was done, so the mother summoned her back down to lay with the earth." Tally whispered, running a palm below her one eye to catch the tear before it could fall down her cheek.

Running her hand softly down Scylla's back, Raelle looked around at the group that over the past 3 years became her family, "Alder was brought back to gather the Stewarts, and sing the first song. I guess her work is done. Though, it was something that she said before she disappeared that's still reeling in my brain." she admitted pulling her wife closer, the space between them completely unbearable after everything the group but especially they had been through. Glancing over at Raelle, Scylla's brows rose in curiosity again. Blue orbs tracing back and forth between the three of them, a breathy laugh finally escaped her lips, "What did she say?" she asked softly. This time, it was Abigail who spoke, arms wrapped around both Adil and Khalida, "She said the world would call us Goddesses, and although that sounds pretty epic right now I think that can wait." she admitted resting her head into Adil's chest.

"What exactly do you have in mind?" Tally asked, her brown orbs darting back and forth between her friends. "Well, I had something in mind." Adil's voice spoke up, making the group turn towards him. Letting out a laugh, Abigail shook her head, "Well, I did sort of promise him a honeymoon." Abigail smirked, "To the beach." Adil finished placing a small kiss on Abigail's temple. "I think we need to go back to the lighthouse." Raelle chimed in happily, her grey orbs darting up to meet Scylla's blue who simply nodded a little smirk tugging at her lips. Taking a deep breath, Tally let out a defeated sigh, "I just want to get out of this combat gear." The whole group breaking out into a fit of laughter made Tally's brows shoot up, "What?!" she asked, falling into a fit of laughter herself, "Nothing, we love you, Tal." Rae admitted with a huge smile on her face glancing up at the colored sky.

One Month Later:

"Goddess," Scylla smirked playfully over at Raelle as she carried a few blankets over to where her wife lay on their makeshift bed on the floorboards of the old lighthouse. Letting out a soft laugh, Raelle's hand covered her face embarrassed, "Oh don't you start, I don't think that I can hear that word one more time. It's so weird, why is that the word that the world has to give us?" she asked softly, pulling the brunette down on their makeshift bed. Raising an eyebrow, the brunette stared down at the blonde as she softly pinned her against the pillows of their bed, "Because the three of you quite literally saved the world?" she questioned leaning down to pepper soft kisses along the scar at the side of Raelle's face, "I know I know, but still I think the word goddesses is a little weird." the blonde countered, turning her head at the last moment so Scylla's lips pressed against her own.

With her hands caressing softly at the side of Raelle's face, she slowly pulled back staring down into the blonde's gray orbs completely mesmerized at that moment. After everything that they had been through, and the hell they've faced somehow they were here. Noticing the small flicker in Scylla's eyes, Raelle raised a brow of her own tilting her head slightly, "You alright?" she asked curiously trailing her fingers along her arm, "Huh?" Scylla asked clearly in her own world for a minute, "Yeah, sorry. I just can't believe that after everything we're here. No, I'm not talking about the lighthouse, I just meant that we're here...together, hell married." and at that last world Raelle's face lite up brightly. "Seems like a little bit of a dream huh?" Raelle asked reaching up to brush the brown hair out of Scylla's face, "I think it feels more like we're exactly where we're supposed to be, right here in our little bubble." Scylla countered making Raelle nod her head in response.

"How is it possible that we have to go back to base tomorrow?" Raelle mumbled, shaking her head. "How is it possible that they cleaned the whole base from the Camarilla in just a month?" Scylla retorted with a light sigh. Rolling over next to Raelle, Scylla stared up at the hanging beams on the ceiling of the lighthouse, "I don't know if I can go back. After everything that I've done, you honestly can't tell me that I can walk right into Fort Salem and pretend that I'm welcome there. They're always going to see me as Spree." Scylla admitted, causing Raelle to roll over onto her side resting a free hand softly against the brunette's stomach as she talked.

Creasing her brows together, Raelle's face hardened for just a second at the thought of anyone outcasting her wife before it finally softened once more, "There is no way that is going to happen, they don't see you like that anymore." Raelle spoke seriously in hopes that Scylla would believe, "But I would never ask you to go back and pretend as none of this happened. If you would feel more comfortable, you can go live with Pop in the cession. I'm sure that he would welcome you with open arms." Raelle admitted, a small smile coming to Scylla's lips.

"What about you, are you okay going back to war college without-." Scylla began, but it was Raelle who cut her off before she could even say the name. "I think we're all just processing that," Raelle said softly, the once chipper voice now saddened by the thought of their fallen friend and mentor. Giving her a sad smile, Scylla leaned over kissing softly at the side of her wife's face, "Speaking of though, she would be proud of the person that you became." she admitted noticing Raelle's eyes softening at the thought, "She was so proud of all of you, if she could be here you know she would in a heartbeat." Scylla said a tear pulled at the corner of her eyes. For someone who didn't cry, losing Anacostia broke her which was surprising for how much they hated each other at first but a lot can change over a three-year span. Reaching up to brush the tear that fell down Scylla's cheek, Raelle leaned up kissing her softly before she finally pulled back, "She'd be proud of you too. She was so proud of the person that you became, we all are." and it was the truth, Scylla knew that. "Tomorrow begins the next chapter in our lives, I don't know what's going to happen with any of us but I do know one thing." Raelle began completely capturing Scylla's full attention, "Whatever happens, as long as I'm with you that's all that matters.." Raelle whispered before leaning in and capturing her wife's lips in a deep embrace pulling the blankets over the both of them.

Khàsémé àvá

Let us Begin.

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