Smoynia Under Seige

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March 21st 4001AF — about 30,001AD/CE, Smoynian Sea — just south of Eplye

Emilia looked out from the deck of the great ship she was aboard, a sea fairing vessel that was used for trading during the time of Sagen's rule. About a thousand or more of such vessels were now being used to transport her and her army towards the next nation Emilia planned to conquer, that being the island nation of Smoynia. With her on that particular ship were her lord & lady generals along with a significant portion of their legions, tensions were a little high but it was mostly forgivable problems that could be settled without violence. As she watched Emilia heard six sets of footsteps striding across the deck towards her, the sound was the familiar one of power armored figures. Her lord & lady generals approaching for a meeting, the deck was proving once more that its wood panels could support their great weight.

Emilia turned towards them and listened as Willow said "My empress, whilst Smoynia is just days away we're wondering who will lead the assault there?" Her eyes flickered to the others to show they truly were wondering about this, leaning gently against the rail of the ship Emilia said "I've been thinking about that, especially since it's an island nation full of close quarters areas. Lord General Korin, if I were to give you the lead on this assault how long would it take you to bring the nation under my control?" Emilia's gaze going to Korin for his answer, Korin took a deep breath before he said "Bar any complications I say about two months empress." Emilia nodded with a look of deep thought on her face, weighing the options before finally she said "Then the assault is yours."

Korin bowed before returning to below deck to organize the assault with his legion, the others accepted Emilia's decision without complaint despite their displeasure at it. Understanding that Emilia made the tactically sound choice, due to the Sanguine Swarms having the edge when it came to close quarters fighting. That settled Emilia turned to resume her watching of the sea when a great surging splash of water was heard just meters off of the port bow, a shadow came over her and the lord & lady generals with her as a great golden brown scaled serpentine beast towered over them and the ship. The human sailors panicked and ran to get below deck, Emilia's mind told her that such creatures only existed in myth before the fall. Trying to deny the evidence of the sea serpent she was seeing with her eyes, only hesitating long enough for the beast to roar at them and start plunging it's head towards the deck before she said "Fire stormers!"

The lord & lady generals leveled their stormers and fired, the rounds flew through the air towards the sea serpent. The electricity enchantments worked as designed but the rounds didn't penetrate the flesh of the creature, the armor of it's scales made them bounce off a millimeter before they exploded. Fortunately the electricity was enough to discourage the beast into going back beneath the waves, Emilia and her lord & lady generals were clearly shaken by the experience. It was obvious that the sea serpent wasn't like the creature Emilia and Willow encountered six days ago, stormer rounds had an effect on it to a point. This idea was reinforced as they saw several more surface meters away from the fleet, some were smaller than or as big as the one that attempted to attack the ship.

Thus confirming it was a species native to the planet, a part of the ecosystem despite the knowledge Emilia had saying nothing like it ever existed before on the planet outside of ancient myths and stories. As they watched a particularly bold sea serpent went to attack the ship Emilia was on, roaring a challenge against the stormer rounds bouncing off of it. Thus forcing Emilia to pull herself together and act, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath as she raised her hand. Her eyes glowed purple when she opened them and a stream of lightning shot towards the serpent, it's death roars were deafeningly loud as it fell to the deck. The ship dipped lower in the water from the weight of the beast, Emilia then dragged it out of the water as much as she could.

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