War With Straicia

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April 29th 4001 AF — about 30,001 AD/CE, Smoynian Sea off the coast of Straicia, early morning

The roar of the sea was quite loud as a fleet of ships passed by, driven by the wind as the occupants watched for sea serpents. On one ship Emilia O'Ferrell was holding a tactical meeting with her lord and lady generals, the discussion to be made was about who would handle the Straician campaign. Lord General Viktor Evandal said "The Straicians are known for densely populated urban warfare in their cities, my Stone Hounds should be the legion to handle them." Lady General Laila a'Lonche sighed as she said "That may be, yet my Lupine Sentinels can handle the attrition of the campaign." Emilia sighed herself before turning to Lord General Viktor to whom she said "How long would the campaign take you if left to it without restrictions?" His response was "A month empress, one month and Straicia will be yours."

She nodded before she said "Then the campaign is yours. Lady General Laila, your legion would be better suited for Mugria." Laila nodded as it made sense, Mugria had offshore island colonies that could drag a war out for years if not met by a force specialized in attrition warfare. Lord General Viktor saluted and said "By your will it shall be done empress." Then he headed to prepare his legion, the primary weapons they'd need would be Storm Pistols for the close quarters urban setting. The others headed off to tend to their legions, leaving Emilia looking at the map of the continent holding the final five nations on Terra not under her control.

Lady General Willow Carter moved to her side saying "Emilia, you're doing what you have to." Emilia smiled at her as she said "I know Willow, I just can't help wondering if diplomacy would be more efficient. If not quicker for my goals of uniting Terra." Willow nodded as she said "If only the rulers of the nations of Terra would allow you to use diplomacy." Emilia nodded as that was a good point, so far none of the rulers had made an opening for diplomacy.

All of them had openly attacked when faced by her forces, even the people of Smoynia had opened fire before she could present diplomatic demands. Thus she resigned herself to conquering every square meter of Terran soil, taking each nation one at a time for her empire. Emilia then headed to the medical bay of the ship she was on, the doctor had examined two more Fulgur Gladii who fell to a wraith. Their expressions were nearly devoid of fear, nearly as they showed a hint of fear and possibly depression. She frowned as her latest measure to defend against this threat hadn't worked, her eyes fell on some strips of parchment paper and wax seals.

Testing an idea that was coming to her Emilia channeled her magic and scribed a symbol on the parchment, the magic formed a word of protection in a language none alive had seen let alone spoken. Using a wax seal she bound the parchment to the armor of the nearest Fulgur Gladii, the idea was if a magically inscribed symbol could protect against wraiths then she would find a better way to inscribe them than parchment and wax. She repeated the process with a test group of ten Fulgur Gladii, offering them her assurances that she would defeat the wraiths no matter what it took. She then headed to the training ground on the deck, where she engaged Lady General Willow Carter in a sparring match to keep herself sharp. While Lord General Viktor Evandal planned his campaign against Straicia, using what available intel he could to form a rough battle plan.

It was a long week of sailing before they arrived at Straicia, the first coastal port city came into view as the sun dawned over the horizon. Lord General Viktor and his Fulgur Gladii legion loaded into the lander ships and headed for the shore, the Straicians raised an alarm as they approached. Loud booms rang out from the city as it seemed Straicia was a bit more advanced than Eplye and Smoynia, having cannons that were firing as their troops prepared inside the walls of the city. Viktor nodded to his legion, who leveled their Stormers at the cannons and fired a collective burst of rounds. The cannons went silent as their barrels were destroyed by the stormer rounds, their operators fired crossbow bolts at the approaching troops just as they made landfall.

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